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mike ellison

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Posts posted by mike ellison

  1. To save load on the "Gallery generator", I'd be happy if I could

    select a day in the previous week and view all photos submitted on

    that day (the display order is not at all important - whatever is

    most convenient for the system). A new view would be generated just

    once per day.


    I'd be quite happy to choose "View all" and one

    of "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",...or "Sunday". I'm more

    interested in seeing all of the submitted shots than seeing today's

    uploads today so the delay is no problem to me.


    Anyone have any other ideas? Remember the aim is that it should be

    easy for Brian to implement and it should put minimum load on the

    system. That way, we're most likely to get to see the unrated shots

    that we miss so much.

  2. So what gallery view should I use to see all the day's submissions? I like to see the unrated shots as much as the rated shots. Sometimes I rate them if I feel that due to bad timing they missed out.


    Actually, I'd like 24 hour and 3 day views that are strictly in order of submission and not sorted by any other factor, that way I wouldn't have to trawl through a bunch of rated pictures that I've already seen to find out if there are any new ones hidden there.

  3. Am I the only one noticing that in the galleries (specifically the 24

    hour) there are a high number of broken pictures? There are usually a

    few unrated ones that the photographer deletes but even ones with a

    number of ratings are just showing up as X. Also there are only about

    half the usual amount of daily uploads.


    If there's a technical problem, what's the prognosis?

  4. I think the issue of pics being out of order is that the gallery gets updated periodically and therefore for some pictures the 3-days or 24-hours has expired. I've found that working from the back towards the front using the Prev button means that you only get a few repeats and you don't miss any pics because the definition of 3-days and 24-hours doesn't seem to be too strict (and that's a good thing).


    Brian, I usually have a good idea where the crap JPEG is and so I can take a good guess at a few pages beyond and then step backward or forward to find my place. Today it was particularly frustrating because there were faulty JPEGs within a couple of hundred of the front and the back leaving a couple of thousand weekend uploads inaccessible.


    My ideal solution is a viewing mode that displays uploads in chronological sequence and a cookie on my machine that records the date and time of upload of the last picture I looked at so that I start viewing at the one that was uploaded afterwards. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. I just like to see all the uploads because I learn as much from the pics that get no rating than the top-notch shots.


    I have to say Brian that despite this grumble I think photo.net is great.

  5. Every week or so, people post pictures that crash the jpg engine in

    my browser (IE5) and I have to close and restart the browser to get

    back the ability to view pictures and that of course dumps me right

    back to the beginning of the gallery and I have to flip through

    hundreds of pictures I've already seen.


    This annoys me when I'm trying to view the last few days' pictures

    and I can't get beyond a certain upload. It annoys me even more when

    there's one image near the front and another near the back so that I

    can't use the Prev button to get to see the pictures in the middle.


    It would be really great if it was possible to jump into the middle

    of the gallery rather than always having to start at the front or the



    Actually, what I'd really like is a view mode that is strictly in

    order of submission to photo.net regardless of views, ratings, or

    anything and that I can choose the start date and time for my viewing

    pleasure without having to scroll past images that I've already seen.

  6. I did a search and didn't find anything useful.


    I'd like to browse the old uploads. The gallery only provides 300

    images if I choose All + Sum and that's far less than the 4487 I get

    if I choose 3 days + Sum.


    I do 24 hours + Sum or 3 days + Sum almost everyday so I've seen all

    the recent submissions and all the top rated photos but I'm

    interested in seeing some of the other pictures hidden away.


    Before anyone suggests the directory, I'd like to point out that the

    majority of user IDs don't have uploads or are duplicates (because of

    forgotten passwords I presume).


    Could it be possible to add gallery categories "older than 1 week"

    or "older than 1 month" or "older than 1 year"? Alternatively add a

    checkbox to the directory so that it only displays the people who

    have uploaded pictures?

  7. Why do people over-react to this every time it's brought up? It's not censorship, it's viewing choice.


    I don't see why we can't have a PG checkbox added to the ratings system. That way it is the viewers that rate the pictures and we don't have to rely on the photographers. This shouldn't upset the photographers because the people who don't want to see the pictures that do get checked, won't appreciate the art (or lack-of) anyway and those who do want to see all the content including PG pictures, have no impediment to doing so. So what's the big deal?


    It's not an issue of nudity or not, it's an issue of wanting to choose what you are shown and making photo.net enjoyable for the maximum amount of people. PG could be applied to some of the photojournalistic shots as much as the nudes.


    The photographer can check the checkbox, and raters can check the checkbox. Viewers can then choose whether they view PG rated images or not depending on whether they are viewing by themselves or with children/spouses/colleagues.


    As for the backlog. Enthusiastic viewers like me troll all over the place and will eventually get to most of the content and it has been pointed out that it's the newer uploads that are more affected anyway because they are displayed prominently on entry to the Gallery.


    Let's not get all emotional and abusive about this, let's just have it done and get on with enjoying showing and viewing our work.

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