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Posts posted by dietrich_speer

  1. I agree with the previous answer - my card reader made the whole download thing way easier for me. In order to get the maximum out of RAW you need some program that can handle it - Photoshop with the NEF plugin or the Nikon program.

    I am having a really hard time keeping the raw files raw files and still being able to print them the way I want them printed. Seems to be a science on its own.


    BTW: always happy about emails: dspeer@mn.rr.com

  2. the dark regular ground glass on my Linhof has been driving me crazy,

    so I looked all over for a Beattie Intenscreen. I finally found a

    used one and bought it online. Out of the box came a 4x5 piece of

    clear glass with 1cm grid printed on it in a plastic sleeve - nothing


    I am kinda new to this, but if I am not mistaken, I am missing an

    acrylic fresnel lens, correct? The Beattie "Brightness Enhancing

    Focusing Screen" consists of both the fresnel and the glass cover

    plate - 2 pieces - correct?


    Can anybody please help!


    Thank you!



  3. Unfortunately I am neither a pro nor independently wealthy, so a

    Technika III has to do for me.

    I have 3 lenses : 90mm Anulon (not super-angulon),

    150mm symmar (not -s)

    and a 210mm Geronar.


    The fact that the ground glass is so dark, that it is VERY hard to

    focus in any other situation than bright sunlight, is driving me



    I just discovered, that the superscreen is not as expensive as I

    thought it was, and I am considering buying one. Will it fit the

    Technika III / Model 5.


    Also: I am confused about the screen installation. My Technika

    doesn't have any shims under the screen, just little metal blocks.

    Is there a place where the installation is described in detail?





  4. It seems like as soon as I have accomplished one step on the way to

    LF photography, I run into a problem with the next one.


    My current problem is that I am having trouble installing a lens on a

    board. I have all the ingredients, even a deluxe S.K.Grimes spanner

    wrench. Still - as soon as I try to install the lens, a 90mm Angulon,

    with the retaining ring, it goes off center causing the f-stop ring

    to be jammed in place.


    What am I missing? Is there a trick to this? I have been able to

    shoot with the lens slightly loose, but that sure doesn't sound like

    the right solution.


    Greatful for any help:


    Dietrich Speer

  5. I am a proud new owner of a 90mm Schneider Angulon lens for my 4x5

    camera. the problem is that it is on a lens board that will not fit

    my Linhof III/5. The board that it is supposed to go on is ready to

    go. The problem: the retaining ring is so tight that I can't get the

    lens of its current board. I don't own a spanner wrench and don't

    want to scratch up the back of this precious little lens. Any

    suggestions? Should I invest in the proper tool?

  6. I own a Rollei 6006, which has recently developed a problem. When I

    load a fresh film, and when I am done with a roll, the film does not

    get transported properly. With fresh film in the 120 back, the back

    makes the noise of the gears from the camera not gripping the ones in

    the back properly, which doesn't sound too pleasant.


    I noticed that, when I latch the freshly loaded back onto the body

    with the slider in locked (up) position, the back fits nicely onto

    the body. However, when I move the slider down, the upper side of the

    back moves away from the body about 1/16", which probably causes the

    gears to get out of alignment.


    Has anybody had this problem with a 6006 back? I don't want to spend

    large amounts of money to have it fixed. Does anybody know?


    Greatful for any help:


    Dietrich Speer

  7. I sit at work, dreaming of my new camera instead of working and post this question on photo.net. Then I go home, eat dinner, and right after that, 3 answers are already there. This is really cool, thanks for all the help!


    The lensboard that came with my Plaubel is threaded for the compound shutter. The only other lens on a lensboard I've ever had was a graflex with just a hole. Seeing this board made me wonder if maybe all LF cameras had threaded boards. Good to know that that is not the case.


    I am a 35mm-guy who didn't get into medium format until about a year ago. I am so impressed with the gain in quality that I want the largest negative format practicable.


    Now I have it.


    Thanks for all the cool answers!

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