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Posts posted by dennis_fallon

  1. I probably average a couple really good shots per roll, and that average stays fairly consistent over the years as my increase with my ability. It's not consistent roll to roll. However, I'm capable of drastically increasing that ratio if I were to simply choose to do so - what I mean is I take a lot of shots that I know won't be 'great' when I take them. But I take them because I think they might be 'just good' (for an album) or for the practice. When I 'know' that I'm shooting a potentially great shot, then my average is more like 1 in 4 (the other 3 in 4 times it will turn out good, but not as expected because of something I overlooked - & that's what I try to learn from). When I try to make the best image possible from something that I don't believe will be a great shot, it very rarely is great - sometimes better than expected, but never as good as the ones I know will be good.
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