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Image Comments posted by doeke

    Four Brides


    Four lovely brides. Photo has been retouched in Photoshop. Something

    highly expected when producing pre-wedding photos in Thailand. Critique on

    composition, light or even the models pose are nevertheless welcome

    Than Thip


    Than Thip, a two stage waterfall. This is the 2nd and most beautifull level. I must convess that the 'spot light' is added with Photoshop.


    Thank you for any comments or critique.

    Exclamation Cloud


    This is my brother Nic's shot at it. He was just as overwelmed by the apperance as me.


    The time it took to transform from the first to the last photo was exactly 15 minutes.


    Exclamation Cloud


    This is a photo from Nic's camera again. The cloud looks VERY different now but in fact the wide angle has distorted it. The dark spot/silhouette at the bottom is me doing my best to frame the almost fading !


    Exclamation Cloud


    To shatter your dreams and confront you with a far less appealing and very scientific explenation, because of it's hight Mount Cook 'creates' its own fluctuating weather and clouds. There is a famous story about some climbers that got stuck on Mount Cook because of this unpredictability.


    This photo is made by my brother Nic who owns a Dimage 7 as well but as you can see didn't have a Polerizer fitted.


    Exclamation Cloud


    This shot already shows the development towards the final version. Mount Cook is the tallest mountain of New Zealand and in this shot it's almost like it wanted to underline that fact. "LOOK AT ME!"


    Exclamation Cloud


    The scene was Mount Cook in New Zealand. This small cloud later became the dot in the exclemation mark.


    I travelled with my brother and together with a (unrelated) brother and sister, we rented a car for 4 weeks to experience and capture the beauty of New Zealand at our own pace.


    Exclamation Cloud

    Note: Kent refered to text that is now deleted and pasted behind his comment. I did this because the previous text contained tumbnailed photos that were part of my portfolio and with this different method (using contribute critique file upload) I can exclude these explaining photos from my portfolio.
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