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Image Comments posted by whatever11664877177

    neuroshima 02

    It's a good picture, but it looks a little fake, which detracts from the overall mood. The shadows indicate the sun should be be off to the right of the scene, but the break in the clouds look like the sun is directly ahead. I'm guessing it's a composition of at least two different images.
  1. This is a very cool idea, and I really like the scream. However, I'm at a loss to explain *why* she is screaming. There's nothing scary about the background, and those two dudes back there are looking over like, "What's her problem?" I think this picture would be a 7/7 with a better location.

    Summer mist

    This is a pretty good picture, but I find it kind of flat and lacking foreground interest. I realize "flat" is probably the intent of the photographer to emphasise the mist, but I don't like the lack of detail.


    I really like this scene, with just one exception: I find the boat is too colorful for this scene. The bright blue takes away from the rest of the peaceful setting. A muddied red or something would blend in better.

    IR Landscape

    There's something about this photo that I really like, but I can't quite figure out what exactly it is. It looks rugged and wild as a black & white image. Perhaps it's just a very good composition. Nice landscape!

    Someone Watching


    Hanna, there should be no confusion when checking the "unmanipulated" box. It points to http://www.photo.net/photodb/manipulation.html which quite clearly states, "The image should be the result of a single exposure (shutter release) by the camera."


    I think the definition covers pretty much everything.


    The current use of a single box to describe "manipulated or unknown" is a good way to implement it. The author of the photo should certainly know whether it's manipulated or not, so having a separate box for "manipulated" is redundant.

    Someone Watching

    Yeah, David says it is not manipulated (in the details section), but frankly, I don't buy it either. Which is a shame, because it really is a great photo even if it is manipulated. I hope he just accidentally checked the unmanipulated box or something like that. (And really, what would be the point in lying about it?)


    Very nice mood in this photo, although I'm not sure the two people fit with the mood. They look happy and content, whereas the trees and fog look forboding and ominous. Perhaps a lone character would have fit the scene better? Or were you aiming for the contrast?
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