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Image Comments posted by photopher

  1. Picky, I know, but it would have been better without the sign - could you have moved to hide it behind or in front of the tree? I might have zoomed a little more too - light on top right is distracting.



    The foot plays a part due only to an anonymous passerby. I think it turned out

    interesting. Please leave comments if you're rating, thanks.

    On fire

    It's beautiful! Though I'd always rather see the whole subject (which looks like it's on fire, it's so rich), it's not bothering me much here. Maybe because the stem and background are missing anyway. I'll have to visit your gallery and see if there'smore of this.


    I love the details (rust, contrast) in the machine, but it bothers me a little that I can't see the details in the grass in the background - it fades into a bright blob. I'm really interested in how you approached this though.

    we in canada?

    This makes me feel cold, like winter is nearing. Or thinking "I've just ended up in the gutter again." Must be the bottle cap that's in there. Might have been better to remove that; It's distracting to me. Interesting angle on the shot.


    A little too grainy, but just for my taste. On the other hand, it makes it seem a little more... stormy? It's very nice to look at, and very haunting at the same time.



    This Columbian Navy crewman was giving a tour of their boat "Gloria"

    to some local students of Monterey. I was able to get behind them to

    sneak this shot. I'm interested in how I could have shot this

    better, or just differently. Thank you.

    Sand, Log

    (laughing) Well, influencing as the drinks may have been, you're not the first I've heard that from! It was an afterthought from the picture; I just liked the shape and shadow. As I was lost after 5 hours of hiking and in the hot sun, it might have looked like a severed leg to me too.... Thanks for writing.
  2. I wish I could see more of the statue, but I can see how that would be difficult to frame with the tree. Seems like you'd have to prioritize one or the other - framing on the tree is good. Light is good, but I wish there was more color - or b&w might have been good.


    Thanks Thomas for that comment. I really do wish I framed this better. I'm glad you favor the subject(s) here; obviously I have a few shots of the wheelbarrows. I'm using photonet to get some ideas, so yours are very very welcome!
  3. This little guy is one of thousands that wash up on Monterey Peninsula annually. They are actually about 1 inch tall, and - as the name implies - move by "sailing", as the wind pushes them by the transparent fin on the top. But enough about it - I would really love some comments on this one (perspective, framing, light?) THANKS!


    I like how you've made a disc out of the movement, but I think I'd like it even better if the exposure was even shorter, and one could still see the motion in the windmill. Nice contrast.
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