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photog 5

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Image Comments posted by photog 5

  1. Hi everyone !

    Its such a fun race I had to share at least one image with you guys!

    I took many images over the three day event but I think this is one

    of my favorites (taken on the first day)... I like the feel of it.

    Any how let me know what you think -

    Greg (aka Photog5)

    Redwood Cyclist


    Hi all, took this yesterday what you think? I have had a hard

    time getting s clean upload here latly this is best out of five ,

    but there is a lil area atill messed up~ but oh well you get the

    jist of the image !



    red tide


    The red tone in the shade of the wood pilings are not made with

    photoshop- there actually was a red tide, the sky reflected the blue.

    Beach Crazy


    I wasn't able to upload for the last few weeks! Thanks to whoever

    fixed my account!

    Keja my Doberman loves the beach, she is super friendly and loves to

    play, can you tell?

  2. We spent the morning cleaning up and I snapped this on the way out.

    I like the difused colors in the backround ebbing thru the trees, as

    for the dog she is always sneaking in my frame at the last second (I

    almost always use self timer to elimenate camera-shake, shooting

    from tripod)

    The Gathering

    I look forward to getting my hands on one! Thank you for your input. I used to be a one hour photo lab owner and Digital helped put me out of business, however I embrace its convienance and enviormental advantages.. and lets face it coming home and just downloading images to your PC is the utmost in instant satisfaction. But until I can get the DSLR I'll be lugging around my old Nikkormat and Minolta Digital together!
  3. One of my favorite places for a hike, These groves have all been

    donated by people who have left money to preserve a chunk of Old

    Growth Redwoods, often you will read a plackard near a redwood seat

    in Memory of~ here is the view from one such place...

  4. These are the Coastal Redwoods Of Northern California, They aquire alot of thier water from the coastal fog we have here, in fact Humboldt County is supposedly the 2nd foggyest place in the world, lol..

    The Gathering

    I am happy with the results from my 4. megapixl for the most part, close ups and macros especially, SOMETIMES though I still realy see a diferance in my landscapes. To be fair the digital dimage I have does go manual, I just have to save money to step up to the next level.

    The Gathering

    Im an ideot ~ I keep accidently deleting my request for critic, I was just tryin to show the differance between my Digital and 35mm on same scene minutes apart... the 4 megapixle 325 dollar range camera , still has a ways to go, but I have been told if I spend more money 2,000 or so Ill get a digital camera that is closer to my 35 mm results, Is this true anyone out there with comments?
  5. I welcome any comments, good or bad, The last "substancially Photoshoped " Image I posted I got one person who wondered where was the actual photographic image - base rule for posting here- so I took the liberty of showing what the art was made from. Its a fun creative thing to do - use your imagination, my only regret with this image I made is I made it too small - so I cant realy have it printed larger than 5x7 -- next one Ill do larger THEN shrink it down-- lol duh
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