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vincent leleu arps

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Image Comments posted by vincent leleu arps



    Knowing the spider is real changes completely my view on this photo as I'm really scared of spiders! I would never have managed to shoot this one.


    Despite the fact that the spider is the subject matter of this photo and the body its environment, I was wondering if, from the point of view of composition, shifting the body higher in the frame (centering it vertically) and rotating it a little bit clockwise to make it more horizontal wouldn't benefit to the photo. It could create a symetrical composition that would be broken by the spider.


    I've tried it in photoshop myself but don't know how to insert the picture I came up with in this comment.


    Good work!



    The Scream


    Great photo, highly original, really like it.


    I would try to darken the area inside the mouth to make the tongue less ovious and perhaps turn the eyes completely white or completely black.


    Liked you other photos very much too.




  1. This one is a slightly modified version of "The Last Supper" with the shoes/toes pointing slightly more down to better convey the idea of hanging body.

    Thanks for taking some time to comment/rate my photo and portfolio!!

    Please have a look at the rest of my photos if you have some time: http://www.photo.net/photodb/member-photos?include=all&user_id=776477

    All the best to all of you!! Thanks

  2. Personally every shot I take it's like playing pool or shooting, I have to stop breathing.

    You must have stop breathing on this one to get that way. I like the blue background. The composition is simple but the beauty is in the details. Happy holidays! All the best.

    BARCA 5


    Your photo is the proof that high-key portraits can be achieved without being boring nor being a cliche.

    An example of a photo as much from a technical angle than a composition one.

    Happy holidays! All the best.



    I think I like the reflection of the white reflector in his eyes. It adds a surpernatural feel, like modern/sci-fi feel to the pic.

    What I don't like is the focus on the eye the hairs between his eyes and the out-of-focus eyes. Also I'd try to rotate the picture slightly in PS to get the eye line horizontal which would add more impact to his look. Good tones and use of reflected light. Happy holidays! All the best.


    Lacks a bit of sharpness. Well saturated colors. Good composition. The clouds are burnt out due to too much contrast. May you could have walked a little more on the left to exclude that bright cloud from the pic or frame it a bit narrower. Good luch with your photography!

    Teton Ghosts

    Highlight tones with snow are burnt out. Nice contrast between flat foreground and mountain background, nice colors. If you use film to reduce the contrast you could have pulled film 1 stop. For digital, expose for the highlights and correct levels in PS as highlight are more critical than shadows.
  3. Thank you for your comments.

    Vktor, this is a real photo of a mannequin's head with the nose against a steal grid.

    As for the technical details:
    The front lighting was done with a (honeycomb) spot grid on reflector and a fire effect lighting filter. The fill light was a softbox with a moonlight filter. The rim light on the neck was a snoot with a blue filter.



    The horizon is leveled and still my eyes see like if it was going a bit down on the left. Maybe because of the inclination of the rock and the main light trails from the sun.

    The foreground is underexposed but that might be what you were after. I don't think exposing it more would benefit the photo anyway as there does seem to be much interest in the sand.

    This picture feels somehow unbalanced. Hope this helps.



    I would crop off the right part of the picture just before the (far) billboard on the right starts.

    Also I would expect the first billboard to to be truncated at the top, especially the text. Perhaps tilting the camera upwards and correcting converging vertical in photoshop would sort the problem. Maybe living converging verticals would work nicely too.

    On the Road


    The adjustment of tones around the trees is noticable.

    I like the frame in a frame feeling with the two side trees surrounding the car and the other tree. I wonder if having the red poppy slightly more into the frame (and not cut) wouldn't benefit the photo.

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