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Posts posted by matthew_rader

  1. Might help to list what your components are. Mac or PC? What scan software are you using? Amount of memory (RAM) you have. If photoshop crashes a lot, (sounds like you're scanning from PS?) could be RAM or system compatibility to scan software and/or plug-in. Lot of problems with the OSX system (Mac) with scanning from Manufacturer's software...Third party software like VueScan or Sliverfast remedy this. Hard to tell without more info.


    I'm using the stock cyberview software version 1.74. The computer really has nothing to do with the problem at this point. The fact of the matter is that photoshop crashed, as software sometimes does, during a scan.


    Right now I just need somekind of master release button to push or something as the eject button in the software is useless if you can't access it.

  2. Pacific Image 3600pro Film scanner


    Alrighty, so I was scanning some negetives tonight when Photoshop

    decided to wig out and crash as it usually likes to do. So, I was

    upset that all my unsaved scans were lost but I would soon realize

    that things were a lot worse than they appeared.


    After restarting the frozen pc and turning the scanner back on I was

    greeted with a annoying buzzing noise being constantly emitted from

    the scanner. So I turned it off and back on again and the same buzz

    continues. At this point I'm getting kind of annoyed but I figure

    I'll just fire up Photoshop and then eject the film strip from the

    scanner. I start up PS and start the scanner software and photoshop

    freezes. I turn off the scanner and flip it back on and the scanner

    software pops up but I can't use it because the scanner isn't

    initialized. So I try to start the software again, this time with

    the scanner on, still buzzing, and once again it locks up and

    eventually freezes photoshop.


    Here I am stuck with a week old buzzing film scanner with a negetive

    stuck inside and I have work to be done. Excellent. I'm emailing

    tech support but I thought I'd ask here too. *sigh*

  3. Hmmm...


    I just don't know what to do. I'm really not invested into any avenue to far. I suppose I will have to think about things. I really want a AF compatible camera, not that I'd use the feature much but atleast then I could buy lenses that I use on bodies introduced in the future and digital cameras when I can afford them.


    I fell into a nicely conditioned AF G telephoto lense so that one of the things I've already got if I were to get a AF body. As for the FM-10 I love the thing but it just feels ancient and I've only got a 28mm and a 35-70mm zoom for it. The thing that really spawned got me thinking was that I already have the tele G lens that is currently just collecting dust with my fm10. I figured I could situate myself for the future by going with a rig that supported AF G lenses.


    I dunno now. you guys have gotten me questioning all my options now. I'm on a 2 week break now up until I really need to shoot an assignment so I have some time to think I guess. I really don't want to spend any more than $500 and I'd rather spend less if possible. What would you guys recommend if I were to go and get the new AF body. Is the N80 a quality cantidate or what? What about if I stick with the fm-10 and need to look for a 70-200ish tele?


    So many choices! :D Thanks so much so far guys!

  4. I suppose it not really as big a deal as I've made things out to be. I've nothing bad to say about my FM-10. I love the thing. It's the the future incompatibility issue in the lenses and wasted money that causes me to think I need another body.
  5. My main concern, in keeping with the fm-10, is incompatibility. Sure, it'll get the job done just as well as anything else but I don't want to go ahead and continue buying lenses that won't work with digital. I guess I'm planing for the long run in and I'd like to think I'm obtaining a collection of glass that will be there for me and tha tI won't have to ditch.


    For instance, I need to buy a tele and I dunno if I can justify buying a lens that I will have to ditch in a few years. I just hate wasting things and I figure that if I jump on the problem early I'll only lose to lenses as compared to a lot more.



  6. Alrighty, I'm a Photography student here at The Art Institute of

    Pittsburgh going mainly for news and the journalistic side of

    things. I�ve recently come to the decision that I need a new body

    to replace my manual dog fm-10. I look around and all I see are

    incompatible G type lenses and the eventual phasing out of anything

    current and new that will work with my fm-10. I am looking to the

    future and I want to make the jump to a nicely featured film camera

    that will serve as a jumping point for when I can afford to go



    As I see it I have these smart and affordable options (bear with me):


    1. Dump the FM-10 manual system completely, AI-S lenses and

    all, starting over with an affordable n80 body with an assortment of

    G & D type AF lenses.


    2. Get a more expensive N90, which I�ve heard is still

    compatible with my AI-S fully manual lenses in center weighted and

    spot metering modes.


    3. Keep the FM-10 body for the time being and phase out all of

    my manual AI-S lenses with D type AF lenses (those will work and

    meter right correct � since they have aperture rings?).


    I am at wits end trying to decide as I want to switch over to

    digital someday without having to ditch all my old accumulated

    gear. I figure if I do something about this dilemma now I can save

    myself some major bucks without losing that much. I love film and

    want a body that will let me make the digital jump with the same new



    As I said in the beginning I�m a very serious and passionate student

    as I plan on making a career of my schooling. Unfortunately, funds

    are of a concern and while I do realize that I have to spend to

    receive I�d also like to be able to eat. Heh. Something like the

    F5, the F100, or going digital now really isn�t a realistic option.

    A compatible decently featured film camera is what I need now, one

    that I can purchase glass for with confidence that I�ll be able to

    carry it over with me into the future.


    Any help, suggestions, and overall opinions are much appreciated.

    I�ve probably made some stupid numbering mistake resulting in a

    glaring incompatibility but I�m learning so harsh flame replies need

    not apply. I�m putting this out in the open for those of you with

    much more knowledge and experience than myself and I respect your



    Thanks. Matthew Rader

  7. I should be picking my n80 up from the shop here soon so I think I'm just going to go with the sb80 since it'll grow with my outfit and eventual move into Digial and since I can justify the extra $50 to get the decked out used flash. :)



  8. Thanks. I was looking at the SB-80DX as I want something to grow with. So the 80dx would accomplish my needs now with a ton of overkill but, for instance, with a D1H the 80dx would work great as well?



  9. I'm having trouble finding either of those flashed mentioned above new so I'm assuming they are ancient models. Are there any new models that are comparable to the sb28? I'm also interested in moving into Digital and would love to get a flash that would satisfy my current needs as well as carry over with my jump.


    Thanks Again

  10. I'm a photo student and I'm going into my newa/editorial photography

    classa. I'm in need of a flash for my old beast Nikon Fm-10. Any

    Recommendations? My teacher recommended the nikon sb-28 and vivitar

    285 and I thought I would go ahead and do some research before

    blindly making a purchase.



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