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Image Comments posted by clancyphoto



    I have to strongly disagree with previous critics.  I think this is terrible.  Sorry to be blunt, but it needs some help.  First of all, it's not perfectly in focus.  Flowers NEED to be perfectly in focus at least somewhere.  Whether it is the pedals, or the stamen, or whatever.  Your flower is soft all over.  The colors could be great, but they are too cyan.  The subject itself is amazing, if you can re-shoot it, i suggest doing so.  Also, work on your composition.  You shot straight down on this leaving no depth-of-field or any dimension whatsoever.  Try a different angle.  There is a lot of wasted space on the sides as well.  Move in closer to your subject or crop or something.  My last complaint is the grain structure from your digital camera.  Lower your ISO to get a tighter grain that is less distracting and compromising to your subject.

    On the positive side, good job making your background fall out of focus.  It should make the subject pop more... if it were in focus, that is.

    Sorry for the rough critique... it will make you a stronger photographer.  Go get em.

  1. ...the lighting is too harsh and straight on for me. Try bouncing the flash off the ceiling if possible. That will make for a much softer and warmer feel. Also, her face is in the middle of the photograph. Try putting her head towards the top of the frame so you have much less wasted space up there. I do like the shallow depth of field. Cheers!



    This is my first attempt at jewelry product photography. How do you think I did?

    Please comment and critique as harshly as you feel. Thanks!

  2. i like the contrast of the triangle shape in the background. what would it look like if Yogini flipped around and arched her back the opposite way? would her breasts mimic the triangle behind her?


    i hate that tattoos. i think it distracts the eye from her beautiful figure.

  3. I like this version more than the cropped version for these reasons:

    1 - all 4 corners exist. the cropped version has a top left corner that disappears. very distracting. if you want to keep it that way...burn in what you can to make a visible corner when put on a white background.

    2 - you include her whole vagina. either include it or don't. but a half of something is also distracting, especially when it comes to vaginas.

    3 - i like the tone of light you have here. its colder and i feel like its a cold rainy day outside. it would be nice, however, to have a sense of warmth coming from inside. maybe make the shadows on her body have a slight warm tint??? might be kinda nice.


    I also think i would enjoy her right hand sitting on her thigh, not behind her. you hid the other hand on her raised knee...so maybe it would be a nice added touch. sorry for the pun.


    and finally.... bellybutton ring??? hmmmmm. good job all in all!




    i happen to disagree with you about the darkness of this photo adding to the mood. the light suggests a soft and gentle moment, when this bird is in fact catching its first prey of the day. i would brighten this up using the Levels tool in photoshop. but i do love the light and shadow play on the birds body. GOOD SHOT!


  4. first off, the plane streak in the sky distracts me. i also do not feel your blacks are deep enough, so add more contrast. if you can take this photo on another day with more dramatic clouds, the difference will be astounding. but for the sky you had on this day, you did pretty well with it. its always good to be able to tell the difference between the sky and the edge of your photo.


  5. i can see that your lens was not adequate enough for this subject due to the size of the flower. You tend to lose quite a bit of information in the flower because it is yellow too. but with the tools you have, i would try a different angle on this flower, maybe not so "birds eye" and then try placing the flower somewhere else other than the center of the frame. and play with both ends of the depth of field spectrum.


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