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Posts posted by catherine_l

  1. Hello, I havnt been here befor, what an awesome site!

    This is the first question i wanted to post! So i did a search and vola...

    How do they do it??!!


    I'm into portraiture and I feel all my images (i guess not just the portraits) are lacking that special something.. it's driving me nuts!!

    i'm not just talking about the colour, it's the amazing depth and tones everyone ELSES images seem to have.. (eg Barry Thornton http://www.barry-thornton.co.uk/zone.htm)


    I was thinking maybe the zone system may have something to do with it..

    Does anyone know what I mean, simply check out the "Top Photos" on this site and you will see what I mean.. Beautiful.. Even the simpliest have this quality about them..gorgeous colours and depth!


    I feel theres nothing wrong with my basics, I must be missing something??


    Also, (i know, i dont ask for much huh!) I was wondering what it is you do to get an image with people in the foreground in focus AND the background in focus as well.. is it simply a wide lens and a smaller aperture?


    Thanks! (I have studied photography for 2yrs and feel like a total waste of time!)





    (i dont know if im supposed to put my email there.. but anyhow, if ya wanna email me go for it!)

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