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Posts posted by mrfitz

  1. <p>I'm considering buying a pocket camera that I can carry at all times. But the multiple prefixes that are used by each brand are driving me crazy. Is there anyplace that has a database of these prefixesand their meanings? It would make it easier when starting to campare items.</p>
  2. KEEP IT. I have a D200 that I use 99% of the time. I tried KEH for my 80 and they turned me down. 2 days later I got an invite for a 2 week canoe trip in the boundry waters. I can tell you I'm not takin the D. Save the F80 and use it in hard times & bad times. It has become (as far as resale is concerned) disposable. Also never give up the KIT lense. It floats better that a 17-55. I Guarantee!

    Keep it, Use it, Abuse it and Enjoy it.

  3. I submitted a photo, taken at a lake, in a nature contest. While

    there was no Hand Of Man (HOM) evident in the photo, the title

    refered to the name of the local reservior. Thus one of the judges

    clearly felt that most of the picture included the HOM (A manmade

    lake created by damming a river). While I understand that a field of

    corn HOM is clearly evident, in my photo the title was the only

    evidence. Should I have made that designation or is this questioning

    of HOM in my photo just overly scrutinized? Are these references

    completely subjective? I ended up removing it from the competition.

    If I now retitle it and use it someplace else, will I be cheating?

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