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Image Comments posted by radim_schreiber



    What a great and unique idea. Amazing how small sliver of light and color and transfer relatively mundane scene into fantastic composition and subject to look at. Well done.

    On the technical side, here is my suggestion. You had to focus into far distance, so the red rock is properly focused, causing foreground rocks to be little soft. Possibly you can take second photograph where rocks are in focus and blend the two shots in Photoshop. :-)

  1. Jim. I did the blend in Photoshop using layers and masks. I pretty much do this way all my higher dynamic photos, since HDR software produces less realistic results, in my opinion.

  2. When everyone from my family was sleeping, I took our rented vehicle early

    in the morning and went to the Grand Canyon rim. I was happy to see

    spectacular sunrise happening in front of my eyes. I've especially loved the

    way sun illuminated rocks in front of me. I am happy I woke up early. In this

    image I've blended two exposures together in Photoshop. Let me know if

    you like the final result.



    I've spent about half an hour going through all the landscape photos, but this one speaks to me the most. I find the composition extremely captivating. Aside from that, I love the feel of the image. Low saturation, low contrast, full detail scene. Clouds frame it very well. Thank you for sharing.



    I love the colors! I assume this was taken at dusk time. What camera have you used? Very realistic color interpretation. I do enjoy symmetric reflections in this case.

  3. I love this photo. One thing that I would look at is use of ND Grad filter, which I believe you have used here. For example the rock in the front of the image looks like is darker on top. This can be easily fixed in Photoshop using masks. See below. Hope this helps.



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