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Image Comments posted by stevensimages

    Portrait n.1

    This'll be good for blackmail when the kid is older. It shows reality, but a nasty looking reality. Not my favorite type of shot. I prefer a wiped nose.

    Daniel el travieso

    I love the high contrast and the cute baby. I'm not so crazy about the Photoshopped blur on the bottom half of the photo. If you want to mimic a shallow depth of field, the middle of the baby's back should be as sharply focused as his face, but everything below his neck is a big mass of fuzz.
  1. Posed action creates a cognitive dissonance for me. If you're shooting candid, shoot candid. If you're shooting posed portraits, have them pose rather than pretend to be doing something natural. This is just my opinion, of course. You can shoot anything you want. The tone and softness are very nice.


    Very uban, very chi chi, very voodoo. She is a poetess, no? Seriously, this is one of those photos I like more than I think I should. Pretty cool shot, actually.


    I bet this shoot yielded several nice shots. INteresting color balance. The muted clear sky has a very complimentary look to the dress.
  2. A bit underexposed and her expression seems tentative. You have some very nice photos of this same woman (a beautiful woman, I might add) in your portfolio, but this one doesn't quite measure up to the best of them.


    I just don't like the grainy look in color. Instead of giving a feeling of timelessness, as grain can in B & W, it just looks poorly exposed. Also, the colors of subject and background clash, plus, I find the subject uninteresting. Not intending to be rude or mean, but I hate it when people give a low rating, but don't explain why. So, I'm explaining. Peace.
  3. Seems a bit grey, rather than white, even though it is clearly intended to be a high key shot with blown details. Not bad, just not great. Practice makes perfect, so keep shooting.


    This is a fairly striking image, thanks in part to a quite striking model, but for greater impact, I need to see at least one thin plane in razor sharp focus, and I don't see it. It seems just a bit too soft.
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