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Image Comments posted by kevinfoster

    asters and beetle

    thanks, keith - this is actually a crop from the upper half of what was originally a portrait-orientation shot of the plant, and i'm not so sure i'd want to lose the spider web...

    gathering storm


    thank you all for your nice words!


    ken: no filter was used: i was in a mountain valley - facing east - and the picture was taken just after sundown, when the ridge/tree line was totally in shadow, the storm clouds behind the ridge were mostly in shadow, and the high clouds were still being lit by the setting sun.


    it's a very interesting bird, but the frame is very busy (i.e., everything around the bird is in relatively sharp focus); opening up to f/4 or f/5.6 would help focus attention on the bird.
  1. nice scene, but i'm not sure what you want me to look at; i see a nice background, an interesting middle ground, but nothing in the foreground catches my eye.
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