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Image Comments posted by pmbphoto

  1. at first i thought this was just a bee on a stem. then i thought it was an insect shedding an exoskeleton. now that i know what it is, it is even more interesting. and no, i've only seen a few manti in my life, all green.

    A lizard

    Although I like the idea of the lizard tryingot hide, I would like to see the lizard more up-close. I think you could still convey the same sense of hiding with angles and DOF. Good find.
  2. I think you and I have a very similar eye for composition because I can't see anything about your photos that I would change. I agree with Martin and I love the square format. Please take a look at my folders if you have some time.
  3. Although the subject matter is not the most exciting (which I don't mind at all), the composition is incredible. I keep returning to this simple, flowing picture. It's like each light has a different personality, the way they are tilted and unevenly spaced. very good.

    tango accordian

    This was taken from about three rows back during a live tango show in Buenos Aires. Five spotlights isolated this featured musician as he closed his eyes and held out a long note. Very minimal editing. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.


    This child-sized sculpture rests on a tomb across the path from the weathered cross (in my b/w folder). I was amazed at the realistic anatomy and powerfully serene expression on the sculpture. Let me know what you think of this shot. Thanks.
  4. There are so many interesting patterns throughout this photo, especially the almost identical shadow on every pillar. Curious. I might have cropped a bit off the bottom, but I like how you have it centered.


    i thought this was a macro shot of an icicle at first, but i see that it is the underside of a skate. i like the abstract concept, but the white flecks are distracting and i think the mouth is a good focal point, but its partially cropped off.



    i think that the light gradient on the walls draw attention upward and inward to the distant steeple.

    i might have cropped a some off the top and tighter on the sides. very good composition



    wandering where one oughtn't takes one to very unexpected places - such as this.

    this is digital, but i added a border as if it was printed off a negative.

    any and all comments welcome. thank you


    To me, your silhouette folder is your best. I am very amazed, however, at the precision with which you photograph insects. I don't know if I'd ever have the patience to track a dragonfly, much less and set up a proper shot. This photo and the silhouette of reclining legs are my favorite. Very graceful and well-cropped (if they are cropped at all).
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