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Image Comments posted by sarah2


    Hey daddy-o! You are not alone. I've had a couple of people say they like this one. Probably because horses are like 10 times cuter when they make out. :)

    Holocaust Memorial

    It's in Miami. We got lucky and had the most beautiful day for shooting outside. I wanted to get a shot that captured the ground and up, but because the memorial is in an enclosed area, I couldn't get far enough away from it to capture it all.

    Holocaust Memorial


    This is a scanned image, so the quality is a little lower than I'd

    like. The original has much better color, contrast, clarity, etc.

    Still, I think it looks pretty good. Any thoughts?

  1. What a fun game! Love how they think you can't see them. I'm always getting ambushed . . . but oddly enough--never surprised. :) The asymmetry doesn't bother me, but I think it'd look cute cropped too---all comes down to what you want to frame it in, I guess.


    I love this. We have lots of cat shots involving screens, but none of our screens provide such an interesting background. The cat is gorgeous, but I don't think I'd like this shot as much without the screen and background colors. Well done!



    Tried to make this look "timeless." Any thoughts? Do you find the

    bright light distracting or do you think it adds a dreamy quality?

  2. Thanks, Seven. I was trying to get that "rush" with the cropping. I also wanted the viewer to wonder where they're all going. I only wish my viewpoint could've been a bit lower. Love your name, by the way. :)
  3. Fans were rushing the floor after a basketball game and this camera

    guy was trying to capture the action . . . and I accidentally

    captured him. Just thought it was interesting. Anyone have any

    comments or suggestions?

  4. Thank you for being kind . . . and helpful. I've noticed that many people on here are "purists," as you said. I agree that the watercolor effect can be annoying and in most cases doesn't even look like watercolor. In addition, having done watercolor paintings myself, I can't help but feel like doing it in PS is cheating. However, I feel like some of my photos convey a nice idea, but have obvious flaws that I can cover best by using watercolor. [i am working with a very limited version of PS that doesn't do anything very sophisticated.] Other photos just look better to me when I use it . . . so I will probably continue to do so until I can't stand it anymore---which is what happened with my inverted color phase. I will get over it eventually, I'm sure. :) I'm not that concerned with low ratings, but I just really want feedback. I would request critque without ratings, but I feel like I wouldn't hear the negative and then I wouldn't be getting even feedback. If people simply don't like PS (or the way I use it), I would like for them to say so. At least I will know what is turning them off. If it's composition, color, subject matter, etc., I can work on that. As far as the amount of photos I have on here; I've been "inactive" for a while now, and since I'm not a member, my quota has dropped to 20. I currently have 27 or 28 (?) photos. I can't decide which ones to cut, so I'll have to participate a lot more to be able to add anything. Thank you so much for your support, though! I will continue to keep an eye on your portfolio, which I always enjoy!

    missing Mee-Maw


    Thank you to you both for taking the time to comment. It's hard to look at these things objectively since I was obviously there at the time and also spent a lot of time with the original shot---perhaps adjusting it to death. I had no idea that it would be hard to tell what he was sleeping on. I'm pretty sure it actually isn't any clearer in the original.


    I just thought this shot was funny, because it's such a cat thing to do . . . like sitting on the middle of your newspaper while you're trying to read it or standing in front of the computer monitor while you're trying to type something. They go to extreme measures in order to make you properly involve them in your life. :)


    Anyway, thanks again for the critiques!

  5. Not sure what category to put this in, but I thought Bird and Nature

    people would take it too seriously and pan it. I think it might be

    too dark, so I'm looking for feedback on that. Any

    thoughts/comments welcome. Thanks!

    Pigeon Art

    I agree with Kim. Plus--pigeons rock! I'm jealous that I don't have one like this in my portfolio. I just wish the pigeon on the right could've kept his head still. . .crazy pigeon. Can you clone him a new head? :)


    Holy moly---I haven't seen so much talk about rules since I was in school. I think this is a great self portrait and I agree with the comment about the bodies working with the background---very true. FOR ME, the subject needs to be centered in this case. . .especially since there is a light and dark contrast going on. It's almost like ying and yang. It looks as though the innocent child dressed in light colors is coming from "the light". She is entering the stage of her life where she will test herself and bound carelessly toward "the dark side". . .whereas the subject (dressed in dark colors) has been there and now turns her back on it. It's a lucky thing that their bodies work together in their poses---almost as if the mother is surrounding the child and attempting to block her from entering the darkness. The classic mother and child relationship. And a dry creek bed runs through it. . . :)
  6. Thanks for taking the time to comment! I'm somewhat addicted to the watercolor effect, but it doesn't work with everything. I thought this shot lent itself well to it. I got some rough ratings on this, so I was starting to get a little concerned, but I'm glad there's at least one other person out there who likes it. :)
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