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Image Comments posted by volker_stiller1

    Stones #2


    Hello Atle,


    Congratulations on POW. I really like this photo and I found it very interesting to compare this version with the square cropped version. I like this one better as it uses the stones to draw interest to the light at the horizon. In the square version it seems to be vice versa. In the square photo the light seems to emphasize the stones. Great example of how small diferences in cropping can alter the meaning of a photo.


    Congrats again!

    The Wave

    Thanks for the kind remarks. The cropping that I did to the photo was just black areas on the top and the bottom of the photo. The original slide was a square (6x6) medium format.

    Come Together


    Thanks, everybody, for your comments and your critique. I really appreciate it and I hope that this photo served as invitation to look at the rest of my photos.


    It certainly generated an interesting discussion and that has made me think about my photographic philosophy. If nothing else, I have to thank you guys for that. I dont want to address everything that has been said here, but just post a few of my thoughts.


    I realized that for me beauty is more important than realism. Some people might cringe when they read this, but photo journalism is just not for me. I leave that to others. Some people might find my use of color excessive. I dont.


    I try to capture the beauty of things and I try to capture it technically as good as possible. That is the reason why I wouldnt have picked this photo as POW. It is technically flawed. I attached a bigger version to point out the flaws. All is due to the slow film I used. Although I got permission from the aquarium people to use a tripod (it was a slow day during the week) the exposure time was so slow that the man is blurred because he wasnt standing perfectly still. And the whale was moving of course. So basically, none of the subjects are in tack sharp focus as at least the man should have been and I would have liked. Due to the slow film speed I couldnt use a polarizer and so the reflections of the dim lights in the room spoil the image a bit.


    The only reason I posted this photo on photo.net is that for some reason I like it despite the technical flaws. Maybe it is the loneliness of the two creatures. Maybe it is the fact that they are quite close to each other but still a whole world apart. I choose the title not because these creatures are happily together (I am not sure whether a captive whale in an aquarium can be happy but that is another matter that should be discussed some place else) but to express the human longing for a mutual understanding for a coming together. Maybe it is cheesy, maybe it is preachy. That is for you guys to decide.


    Let me thank each and everyone of you again for the comments, critique, and all the nice emails I received during this week. It feels good to know that people care about what I do, whether they like it or not.

    Come Together


    First of all, thanks for the kind comments and the constructive criticism regarding all of my photos. I am always happy to hear other peoples opinions and I have to admit that I learn more from negative comments, although they might not feel too good when I read them at first. But I am not a photographer. I am a scientist first and foremost and photography is only a hobby for me. I agree with people who say that originality is not my strength, but I never thought my photos were very original or creative. There are photographers here at Photo.net that are much, much better at that than me.


    However, I try to make any photo that I take as aesthetically pleasing as possible. That might explain the frames that some people dont like, but I do like them. I think every photo deserves a frame and the frames were made to fit into my web site when I created it. I later posted a few of my photos here on photo.net and never took the time to redesign the frames.


    My computer screen had a resolution of 800x600 so I never understood why people thought my photos were too small until I upgraded to 1280x800 and now I completely agree. Maybe I will find the time to resize my photos eventually and I will start with this one.


    When I got into the office this morning, I had a few emails telling me that one of my photos was selected as POW, but for some reason I couldnt open Photo.net. When I finally was able to look at it my first thought was Oh, they picked that one?


    Although being happy to be chosen, I was surprised by the choice. To answer one comment: No, I would have chosen a different photo but I am not the one who makes that decision. On the other hand, as the saying goes, there is not sense in discussing taste. I have photos in my portfolio that I like a lot and that other people dont care for at all and I put up a few that I consider just ok and that people compliment me on in emails. I am glad if people like my photos and their criticism always helps me to improve.


    So, if this weeks POW creates a discussion about what is important in a photo, aesthetics, originality, emotion, or a cheesy title, please feel free to comment and dont hold back.


    Thanks again for all your constructive criticism and for the honor of picking one of my photos as POW.

    The Swirl

    Hi Rick

    Thanks for your interest. The reason why Antelope Canyon is photographed so often is because it is so easy to reach. It is just a 5 min drive from Page, Arizona (near Lake Powell). Here is another photo of mine with a few more explanations. Greetings from Utah :-)



    Ed, I agree with the unknown user. The pose is great but the photo needs a bit more contrast. Last night I had a bit of time to kill and because the pose reminded me of a classic pin-up, I played a little with your photo to make it look somewhat like an old technicolor image. Hope you don't mind.


    Framed 2

    I like this shot the best in the series. The difference is in her expression. Here, she seems to be holding up the bricks and her expression tells me that she really needs some help. Well done!

    Rue Becquerel


    Christian, you have some great photos in this folder. This one is one of my favorites.


    Just the other day, I wanted to tell a friend who is visiting Paris next week to stay in the little hotel halfway down the steps in this street. I just couldn't remember the name. Thanks for posting this photo and for reminding me. (I hope the hotel is still there.)

  1. Fabian, thanks for your interest. Upper Antelope Canyon is pretty dark and best photographed between 10am and 2pm. With Velvia, I expose for 2, 4, and 8 min at f11 or f16. The colors are a result of the film used and the fact that the light is bouncing from one red cayon wall to another before finally coming down to me.


    Lower Antelope Canyon is less steep and much brighter. Exposures are shorter and best times for photography are a little bit later in the day (about 2pm-5pm). Still, the light is bouncing from wall to wall and creating wonderful colors.


    I was amazed to see that part of the latest Brittney Spears video was shot in Upper Antelope Canyon. I guess, it soon will become a very hip place to be.

  2. I don't think there is too much going on. It's a football game - there has to be a lot going on. I think, if the stadium lights were shown in more clearly defined rays it would be even better, but this photo superb as it is. Congrats.


    I used to work with sunflowers and this photo reminds me of the drought stress experiments I did. Excellent picture in a highly creative folder. Very well done.
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