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Posts posted by danny_ramirez

  1. <p>A D2x would be nice but it would be more expensive in the long run,

    <p>the files are much bigger, I would have to upgrade my PC, get

    <p>high capacity CF cards, etc. Also the buffer on the D2hs allows

    <p>for more frames to be caputered.

    <p>A D200 is not a camera for sports or action, which is the whole

    <p>reason why I'm considering such a camera. I currently have a

    <p>D100, and seriously doubt that the Autofocusing CAM on the

    <p>D200 is comparable to a D2h or D2hs.



  2. <b>

    To D2h or D2hs is the question</b><p>

    <p>I've recently been offered a brand new D2hs for $2,900.00

    <p>my question to the D2h and D2hs owners out there is the


    <p> is the D2hs worth the extra $,1300.00

    <p>compared to a used D2h in very good condition for around


    <p>Are the few enhancements on the D2hs worth the

    <p>extra $$?

    <p>Thanks for you input!



  3. I'm having the Circuit board replaced on my D100, my question <br>

    is the following: Am I going to have to update the camera with <br>

    the Firmware Version 2.0, or will it retain it from the factory <br>

    settings. When I bought my camera 2 years ago it came with Firmware

    <br>2.0 already installed.









  4. Well, I just got through charging a brand new battery that <br>

    I bought from KEH, and my D100 is still not responding.<br>

    Last week when I bought a lense and tried it on my D100 <br>

    the camera went dead, at first I thought that the battery <br>

    had gone out. But after putting in a new and fully charged <br>

    battery, I come to the conclusion that the problem is <br>

    something else. Has anyone in this forum ever experience this <br>

    problem, what could be the problem? I hope it's nothing serious.


    There is a local shop here in Houston(between Richmond and Sheperd)


    that repairs film cameras, but I'm not<br>

    sure how good they are in repairing Digital Cameras.<br>

    Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.




  5. I recently purchased a bargain 55 F2.8 MICRO AIS SLR MANUAL FOCUS<br>

    STANDARD ANGLE LENS from KEH. Does anyone have any experience with


    lense? How good and sharp should I expect it to be. The price on<br>

    it was too hard to resist, so I figured I give it a try. I know it


    it will work on my D100, but not sure if it will work on my<br>

    N80. <br><br>

    Thanks in advanced for your comments!



  6. Does anybody have any Idea on what the average<br>

    life cycle is on the Li-io Battery Pack for the D100?<br>

    I normaly used the camera on the weekends, I bought the<br>

    Camera along with the battery about 2 years ago. <br>

    Yestarday I was at a camera store purchasing a used <br>

    Nikkor 35-70 F2.8 D lense in Ex. condition for $115.00. well, <br>

    when I tried it on the D100, I noticed that the camera went<br>

    dead. I tried it on my N80 and seems to work okay, so I don't <br>

    think its the Lense. I ordered a new Battery last night from Keh<br>

    I hope that's all it was, but I'm curious to know what the life<br>

    cycle is on those batteries, any suggestions?<br>

    Thanks! in advanced!




  7. Thanks, to everyone for their comments. I must say I'm still<br>

    a bit confused as to which camera I will end up buying. <br>

    I can say that I'm not interested in buying a digital camera

    <br> at this time. Currently I own a D100, N80, with a couple<br>

    of lenses(80-200mm AFD 2.8, 50mm 1.8, and a couple of Sigma lenses)

    <br>on the Digital side, I would like to get something with more

    <br>speed and more megapixels, but I cannot afford a D2x, so I will

    <br>just have to wait ont that. <br> again, thanks for your

    <br>advice! <br><br>


  8. I'm in the market for a good used camera, EX to EX+ condition<br>

    my budget limit is $900.00 US Dollars. <br>

    The camera will be used mostly for Sports, and other action <br>

    Shots. Would I be better off buying an F100 for around $550.00+ <br>

    or should I go ahead and spend a bit more for an F5 which goes for

    <br> around $900.00 or so. My main concern is Auto focusing speed,

    <br> is there a huge difference between these two cameras, and if so

    <br> is paying the extra$$ worth it. Are these

    <br> camera's metering system about same or are they quite different?

    <br>Thanks in advanced for your comments! <br>

    <br> Danny

  9. SUBJECT: Borderless printing


    BODY: I recently recieved a Canon i9900 as a Christmas Present!


    I'm very happy with the quality of the prints, there's just


    one problem, when I try to do borderless printing, I never


    seem to get it right. I do my cropping with P.S. 7 etc.


    Played around with the printer settings etc. but never can

    <br> seem to get it just right. The Printer came with printing

    <br> software, which works great, but only allows you to print

    <br> in jpg format. I would like to print in Tiff, to get the

    <br> most out of my prints. Does any one know of some software

    <br>that will allow you to print borderless prints in Tiff and

    <br>and other formats?



  10. I'm in the market for a new telephoto lense, I will use this lense

    mostly for actions shots. I prefer to buy new versus a used lense,

    espcially with all the rebates going around. I guess my main

    question is, aside from the VR, and a few other things, will there

    be much difference from the resulting images from both lenses.

    If I get choice #1 I will be using a tripod for alot of the shots,

    although I have enough money saved up for choice#2 I'm a little

    weary about spending that much money on a single lense, is the extra

    $700 worth it? Thanks in advanced for your input.

    My cameras are the following Nikon D100 and N80

    After doing my homework I've narrowed it down to the following two







    1) New Price:$895.95 with a $200.00 rebate from nikon

















    2) New Price:$1,594.95 with a $150.00 rebate from nikon<p>



    <br>70-200 F2.8 G ED INTERNAL FOCUS AF-S VR (77) 35MM SLR AUTO FOCUS










  11. I'm interested in purchasing a telephoto zoom lense,

    I'll be using it to shoot baseball games and some portrait work.

    Just wanted your input on which lense/s(new or used) out there are an

    option for me, based on my $700.00 budget.

    I currently own a a Sigma 300mm f4-5.6 it gives me nice images, but

    would like to improve on that.

    I currently own cameras: Nikon D100, N80


    Lenses: Nikkor 50mm f1.8, Sigma 300mm f4-5.6, Sigma 28-80 f4-5.6

    thanks in advanced for your input!



  12. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, I think that I'm going to take Martin's advice and rent a couple of MF bodies from a local shop and see wich one I like. By the way, does anyone know of any shops in Houston that have MF cameras for rent?


    Thanks again!



  13. I will be using the camera mostly for on location Portraits, still shots. Most of what I plan to shoot will be outdoors and will be using available sun light. I'm fairly new to Medium format(but I'm very excited in getting into it), I currently use Nikon Digital SLR and 35mm, I have heard good things about Mamiya, Bronica and Hassablad.



  14. Just wanted your thoughts on which used Medium format camera

    (including a lense mounted on it)to buy for under $700.

    I want something that will give good(tones,sharpness etc.) quality

    results when printed in large dimensions ie. 13'x19' 24'x36' etc.

    Also I will be shooting slide film to scan and manipulate in PS7 in





  15. Is there a better way(besides cropping the image by preseting the

    width, height and resolution) to get images the perfect size for

    print in Photoshop 7. The images from my D100 are approximatly 6" by

    10" I cropp them to the size that I need for printing, but this means

    getting rid of some of the the detail that I would like to keep in

    the picture, which I really don't like to do. I have also tried to

    set the with or height with the constraint proportions checked in

    photoshop's image size menu, but this won't give me the perfect print

    size. Is there a setting on the D100 that will let me change the

    image's output size from approximatly 6" by 10" to a much bigger size?


    Thanks for any input that you may have!



  16. I own a couple of Nikon cameras, a Nikon N80 and a D100.

    I want a second film camera mostly to shoot BW and ocasionly

    color. I have seen decent deals on KEH.com, is this a reputable place

    to buy from?


    Thanks again!



  17. I'm interested in purchasing a used camera as a second camera body,

    I will probably be using a 35mm lens on it.

    I have seen some picture produced by the Minolta X-700 and they look

    pretty good. I will be mainly shooting bw film with this camera,

    and just wanted to know what you people think of the camera and the

    quality of the picture it produces.





  18. I wanted to know from those of you who have worked with both

    Digital images of a D100(or any other DSLR) and the Digital images

    from a high resolution scan of a 35mm slide. Which one is better as

    far as quality, which one is better to use if the prints I want are

    say from 13"x19" to 24"x36", thanks for yuour input.



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