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Image Comments posted by daniel_frisk



    I guess you used the magic wand tool to make the selection when you added the new sky. If you look at the contour of the car you will notice that it has been ripped. Use the lasso tool or the paths tool to make cleaner selections or enter quick mask to clean up the selection. I do not like the sky and suggest you find another sky somewhere and put it into this picture or at least make the gradiation smoother. It looks too artificial now. I also think you missed the window when you made the selection for the sky. There does not seem to be any gradiation there. I like the motive and overall composition though.


    Kind regards





    Excellent lighting and pose. I think this is close to perfection. For perfection I think that her upper arms/hair could have used some more detail/contour. Still, better than anything I will ever achieve ...


    Kind regards



    Third eye


    I know you posted this image in the digital alterations area but apart from the trees and the cloud this image could have been made as easily in Illustrator. (With enough patience the trees could have been drawn in Illustrator as well). The sky gradiation and the horizon look too artificial in my opinion. Please note that I don?t have anyting against manipulation per se. The sky in my image "Rod" has been manipulated as well. In my (biased) opinion my image still looks like a photograph however.


    Kind regards




    Thank you for your comments. I have uploaded a new version with the rims slightly burned and I think it looks much better now.

    MTV performer


    Nice snapshot. Too bad that black area in the lower right background blends together with her dress and ruins her figure line. A tighter crop at the bottom would fix this problem.


    Kind regards

    "Fire Flower"

    I have looked at your portfolio and I find your smoke images very beautiful and intriguing. They are like Rorschach tests or clouds where you desperately lose yourself in them trying to find recognizable patterns. The colour adds one further dimension to the smoke but I like your B/W work also.



    If I had lived in California I would have shot this picture alone in the desert.

    However I live in Sweden so I had to simulate the desert background and

    remove a bunch of "raggare" hanging around, looking at the car and reflecting

    in the paint job. (Raggare, by the way, is a Swedish term for people interested

    in 50s American car culture. Was it worth the effort?

  1. Unfortunately none of the cars in my portfolio are mine. I take my car pictures on the street or at auto exhibitions. Due to this I have little control of the choice of background and lighting. For example there are often numerous show spectators and other cars reflected in the body panels of my images. I try my best to clean up my images in Photoshop. In this image I´ve removed a trailer and two cars from the background and retouched some of the reflections in the body.




    I like the overall feeling of the image but I think it lacks too much detail. Maybe it´s due to the jpeg compression for web but it looks like it´s more than that.


    Kind regards



    I like the cropping. Too bad there aren´t any pixels left in the image to give it justice. The image lacks too much detail now and is too blurred. Try to get closer to the tiger or put out some meat to lure it closer to you. ;-)


    Kind regards


    The lighting of the background, the rat (?) and the cross don´t add up. The cat´s eyes in the sky are too pixelated. Otherwise a rather nice composition.


    I really like the motive. I think you should adjust the levels so the background turns completely black and remove the bright thing in the lower right corner.



    Thank you for your kind words. I always ask for creative comments (if you think it sucks but won´t tell me why then why bother?). For example this image got a 1/1 rating from a guy who didn´t leave any comment. It would be interesting to know why he dislikes this image so much. Positive comments are always welcome.


    I actually make a living (well ...) as a professional image retouch artist but I only deal with other photographers work during business hours. I haven´t done much photography myself until recently, though. The make is Lotus and the model is called Elise.



    The photo of the car was shot at an auto exhibition this summer.

    I liked the lighting of the car, but the background (a forest) felt too

    underexposed and messy. I therefore decided to remove the

    background and create a fake studio environment. Creative

    comments welcome.


    Nice idea. Try adding *slight* shadow beneath spade and colourmatch the skintones of the hand and the guy. The guy is also too sharp in contrast to the surrounding image. Try blurring him slightly and add overall grain to blend the images.
  2. I stumbled across this image and just wanted to say that I hadn´t seen it before I uploaded my "Monkey on dope", so don´t be mad at me for stealing ideas. (The images don´t resemble each other much in my opinion, apart from the monkey-in-an-urban-environment-idea but some people are very sensitive about their work.) That´s what you get for thinking that you have original ideas. I´ve browsed through your folders now so it won´t happen again. I guess I should start with macro flower photography instead in order to score those originality 7:s ... ;-)


    Kind regards



    Photoshop offers endless photo editing possibilities for the imaginative mind. I think this attempt is a dead end though. Keep on practising and you´ll soon realise that this was not a very good alteration.


    Kind regards

    Music of my soul


    I think the idea is rather original if not my cup of tea. (Too much 80´s poster feel in my opinion). There are some problems with the blending of the two images as well. The waves should break at the "walls" of the keys not blend into them. Maybe you should try to add some whitewater along the edges. I also think it would be nice to have some waterfalls pouring down certain areas of the white keys.


    Kind regards



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