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Posts posted by gaspar_bakos2

  1. Dear all,


    Thanks for the numerous messages helping us in solving the focusing

    problem of this Autofocus lens.


    To clarify a couple of issues:


    - We have a large digital detector in the focal plane at the correct

    distance (to Phil, S.)


    - We have this autofocus lens (and not the MF version) just because

    this is what the observatory could purchase - it is very difficult


    buy FD versions of the 200mm f/1.8 nowadays. BTW, we have 5 of


    but used already on other telescopes giving beautiful images of the

    starry sky (to Phil, S., Maureen, M)


    - The lens, of course, is exactly like a telescope, there is no

    fundamental problem here. If one attached an eyepiece to the end, it

    would be possible to peep through with the naked eye. However, we


    a CCD in the focal plane, and in this sense what we are doing is

    exactly photography (to Mark, U.)


    - The focus ring is not attached to the focus group mechanicaly


    for Scott Ferris et al., and message for Minh Thai)


    - I was trying to locate Chuck Westfall, but could not - anyone has a

    link how I could contact him (thanks for Jim Vanson)?


    - To Chuck Dowling: THANKS A LOT! The pinout and pin functions are of

    great help! Before we buy any camera body (not so easy in the middle

    of the Negev desert) - any idea of the voltages (0.2V or 2V or 5V -

    just the order of magnitude) emitted through the pins?


    - To Bob Atkins: THANKS for clarifying lot os issues. You confirmed

    what we are afraid of: this lens can't be focused manually without a

    camera body attached, and power turned on.



    Gaspar Bakos

  2. Dear all,


    We are desperately seeking the electronic

    protocol of a Canon EF autofocus lens. Here is

    the problem we are facing:


    An EF 200mm f/1.8 Canon lens is used on an

    astronomical instrument WITHOUT a Canon EOS body

    attached. We would like to MANUALLY focus the

    lens by turning the "manual focus ring" and

    setting the lens focus mode switch to "manual".

    However, the focus does not change at all with

    the above approach; for example, the image of

    stars remains exactly the same: rather blurred.


    We are afraid that this "focus mode" switch works

    only (thus, can be switched to manual) if the

    lens is attached to an EOS body, and some kind of

    voltages are applied to the little golden

    'plates' (pins) on the bayonett of the lens. Here

    comes the question: does anyone know the protocol

    of these pins? Does anyone has a multimeter and

    could do a 5 minute reverse engineering for us on

    a Canon EOS body to see what voltages are set to

    the pins?


    If we knew this, we could apply the same

    voltages, and focus the lens.


    Any help is appreciated,


    Gaspar Bakos

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