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Image Comments posted by patrick_hart



    What a fabulous, unrecognized piece of spectacular art! I love your subtle missing of colorado red sand colors, in a mysteriosly complex hue set. The touch of human throws your viewer in estatic contemplation and the crashing white cap waves remind us of the fragility of this serene rustic moment. Touching! Encore Margaret, Encore! When will you grace us with more?


    Least patrick

    Ethereal Sunset


    The original was cropped 3 cm on each side because of vignetting P

    cokin filter holder on 77mm front element on a Nikon 12-24mm AFS

    lens. A 3 hard stop Sighn Ray Neutral Density was used in 2/3 cut of

    frame, along water's edge to sky.


    I agree. It needs more pizzaz! Maybe I need to brighten it up. I tried different angles this morning with a dewdrop glistening on it from the side profile. Hmm...it was film..we'll see.


    I have a fixed focus lens Nikon 55mm f/3.5 (45 year old lens) so I couldn't pull back to get the "Y", though I could have straightened/leveled "In God We Trust".


    I haven't seen many infrared nudes. She certainly has a beautiful form. The scene seems distracting. If the scene was blurred it might work however. The foliage in white, at the bottom make for nice contrast however and bring focus to the body. IR gives the ethereal appearance to the model, as if she were a fairy holding a wand. Her looking up with light on her face adds uniqueness to the image as well.
  1. Thank you Thomas.


    I included the word "softness" in the title because the blurred background gave me that impression and the clarity of the flower is not sharp.


    Your thoughts have me thinking. Going to check out the site you suggested.


    A friend of mine said she liked this because it could be a table top picture. I'm not so generous. This picture lacks focus, the leaves are distracting and the background shape is misaligned. Overall this is not an aesthetically compelling image for me.


    Your point about natural light is interesting. I used to shoot Velvia with a Nikon N90s and before that with a N2002 through a nikon 37-70 f/3.3-5.6 zoom. Blur certainly could be due to the lens, camera shake, CCD or available light. It was overcast and drizzling when I shot this.







    For me...this evokes surrendering catharsis and casual relaxation. The upper torso the first and legs the latter. Combining both of those in one image keeps me interested and imaging the feeling of the model flexing her back that way. The light above and darkness underneath draws my attention to the feminity of her form and ends with my eye moving out to the outstretched arm appears to be calmly laying there. The lit foot has a sharpness that stops my eye whereas the shape of the arm slowly lets me explore the subtly of its form.


    I love your work! The human form has such complexity and compelling power.


    Did you "dodge" and "burn" or manipulate digitally?


    Patrick Hart

    Cristine (NP)




    How did you make this digital shot look like it came from film and had been dogged? I want to do this kind of work. I've been looking to see if my Nikon D1x is capable of honoring the human form in such way as you've done here. Did you use a filter?


    Your work inspires me.


    Patrick Hart

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