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Posts posted by doug_d

  1. There are lots of people in the world who don't have the luxury of computers and printers to

    handle digital cameras. I suspect that many places will use film for a while yet (10 years?). It

    seems that film will become an (expensive) niche market.


    What we will miss is the luxury of choices that we once had.



  2. If you are not in a rush, you might want to see what Canon will anounce at PMA. The 20D

    camera line has been upgraded on a roughly 18 month cycle. That cycle matches the PMA in



    I have not heard any substantial rumors. I do not believe there is any reliable info out there

    yet, even my speculation about the upgrade path is just that.



  3. This isn't meant to be a troll, but I thought that I would explore a possible paradigm shift.

    I really enjoy the viewfinder on my M. Having said that, would we be willing to accept a

    passive autofocus on a digital M. We could then dispense with the expensive rangefinder

    for focussing. Please remember, we don't really get to see true focus with the rangefinder,

    only the calibrated approximation.


    The downside is that the focus may not be responsive. It would depend on how focus

    needs to be displayed electronically.


    Just a thought. It could make the digital M more economical.

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