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Image Comments posted by vicki_miller

  1. Good use of bold color and sharp detail, but there's something lacking to the composition: a "path" for your eye to wander around. I think you've got two (or more) compositions here, and they are both fighting for the viewer's attention. Sometimes it even helps to turn your photo/painting, etc., upside down and look at it. Hope this helps.




    Hi, Sharon. Glad to hear you've survived Katrina; you've been in my thoughts and prayers. Your blossom is beautiful. Love the contrast!


    Thistle 1


    For me, I prefer a simple frame. .4, I believe, is good enough. The idea is to define the border, not draw attention to the edge. I this case, since there's a dark area in the background, a contrast with a sliver of white inside the black might set it off. Love the shot.


    Why Me?


    The expression is great too. Another tip is to turn the image/composition upside down and look at it that way. Sometimes it gives you an inspiration on what could be improved.


    I don't often rely on the rule of thirds; it seems to work well most often with representational motifs, though.


  2. LOVE Longwood Gardens!! Novel point of view, this--the massive angular branches provide a great foil for the purple blossoms-cum-dots.


    But the best part is the upper center area, near the center/left: the lime green leaves could be read as positive OR negative shapes, providing that rubber necking element all good compositions need--anther look.


    On the downside (all compositions have stronger/weaker areas): I'd crop the bottom just below the bottom horizonal branch, and perhaps add a dark border. The darker green of the leaves don't add anything to the composition.


    But a great picture, nonetheless. Thanks for posting it!!


    Spring Falls


    At first I did not agree with Lannie's comment, about having two images, but then I took another look at it. Yes, the focal point/interest is the green leaves.


    LOVE the blurred white shapes, contrasted with the pebbly-grained rock. Good job!


  3. Dave, your photo composition shows a lot of thought: a physical pathway for the eye that complements the emotional content of the shot--the memorial seems to radiate light, the effect of which is repeated in the line of the incandescent lights. The overall warm tone of the composition is picked up in the detail of the small red/yellow floral memorial. Vertical lines emphasized by monument, repeated in foreground vertical light on the wall. Many things to look at and return to again and again to ponder. --Vicki Miller

    Thistle Seed


    I admire the range of colors you have achieved in this composition. Deep blacks, gleaming silver-whites for contrasts. The diagonals from the southwest to the northeast compliment the assymetrical cropping. Very nice!

    Vicki Miller

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