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Image Comments posted by aperture1

  1. The smoke is the subject, that is why it takes up 3/4 of the frame. I captured the fireman at the very beginning when they had just gotten there. The image may lack energy but it was one of a whole roll. I didn't exactly plan on it being a masterpiece. I didn't have time to get all of my lenses because I saw the smoke from my house, and at the time I only had a 50. Besides, this was as close as I could get without fireman telling me to get back and without the heat being so intense which happened to me several times.

    Watching sunset

    This photograph caught my eye and when I took a closer look at it, I was blown away. The composition is amazing and it feels like another world. It reminds me of when I was young and I was and still today am fascinated with sunsets. Cheers.
  2. Incredible long exposure. I was just in San Fran last summer, and I didn't get a chance to walk to bridge. It was foggy the whole time I was there also, but it gave it a surreal feel, because you couldn't see the top of the bridge, it was almost never ending. Once again, great shot.
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