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Posts posted by delrioross

  1. Ross Parsons-Nov 7, 2008-Texas


    Note the reference to parallax problems: When you are shooting close-ups, peferably ON A TRIPOD, measure the distance between viewing and taking lenses, crank UP that distance with your tripod, and fire away.


    My C3 model worked fine for sports photography as well as close ups....Until the day I was hanging over the side of my 24 foot boat and a sudden swell suggested my hands would be better off grabbing the rail, rather than the camera. (Ever try to recover a camera from 180 feet under your keel???)


    But I admit I rapidly purchased another C3 body and a 250 tele, but never spent to much time shooting from similar precarious positions afterward.


    Also, I never used a camera that I admitd as much as the mamiaflexes.

  2. Ross Parsons - Nov 7, 2008 2:11 CST - Texas

    My first "Issued" camera in 1957 was a 4/5 Speed Graphic, the standard for most of us Press Photogs in that day. To improve my work, I invested in a 1957 YASH Spotmatic, which helped propel several of my fellow press shooters into the 35 mm age. It still works fine and is still used for some of my magazine assignments. However, when I pull it out of my kit, it also tends to age me, according to folks who never even heard of the spotmatic.

    When I supplement my shooting sesson with my digital Nikon, several working photographers tend to ask the when, where and why I still use my spotmatic, my ME Supers and a few other Yashica cameras. The shooters who then ask what it is really dates me. But like a few other folks on this forum, we know even those "Old-fasioned" cameras are good gear.

  3. After considering the $ values listed above, think about checking any local camera clubs (schools, etc.) and

    consider donating your 'old fashioned" gear for their intro to our career field. As a retired photo dinosaur myself, I

    recall being introduced to serious photography via a donated 4 x 5 Speed Graphic, half a dozen film holders, a #5

    flash gun, three 8x10 trays....and the rest of our wonderful world.

    Luckily, the owner of the donated equipment also donated several hours of his time to teach me the difference

    between good negatives, and those sheets of black film developed with the darkroom lights happily glowing.(????)

    You might not get any money, but there is a lot of satisfaction in the introduction of young and old amateur camera

    nuts alike, to our wonders of photography.

    Ross Parsons-Texas

  4. From the depths of my camera locker I unearthed my Asahi Pentax SV- serial number 8344XX. It's still used on a

    regular basis when making pix for my outdoors columns in various magazines. A host of quality lenses, with and

    without the screw mount adapter, and the numbers of photos accepted by the magazines, indicate it's as good a

    camera as I need for normal shooting. EBay says it's worth so much, but I don't think it will be sold as long as it's in

    working condition.

    I carry a pair of ZX-30 (the ones people keep telling me isn't very good) for a majority of my money work. So don't

    be too quick to sell the Asahi ...you may regret it down the line.

    Ross Parsons - Texas

  5. From the depths of my camera locker I unearthed my Asahi Pentax SV- serial number 8344XX. It's still used on a regular basis when making pix for my outdoors columns in various magazines. A host of quality lenses, with and without the screw mount adapter, and the numbers of photos accepted by the magazines, indicate it's as good a camera as I need for normal shooting. EBay says it's worth so much, but I don't think it will be sold as long as it's in working condition.

    I carry a pair of ZX-30 (the ones people keep telling me isn't very good) for a majority of my money work. So don't be too quick to sell the Asahi ...you may regret it down the line.

    Ross Parsons - Texas

  6. Ross Parsons 5/21/08 1:33 p.m-cst

    Oh Tamela---I wish I could recall how far back I also thought I only "Needed" one camera. I might even have enough money to buy another one.

    Seriouly, take heed of the folks who advised you in the forum. It takes some camera folks who have "been there, done that" to really appreciate the sheer pleasure of growing up and into additional cameras.


  7. Ross Parsons - 5/21/08 - 1:18 CST

    Right? Hard to say unless we know the reason you want (Need?) macros.However--About ten years ago, I needed some close up work to illustrate an outdoors column, and had nothing suitable. SOOOOO---found (Hock shop) a 35-105 Soligor Zoom that fit one of my Pentax ME Supers, and have been using it ever since. I added a set of +1, +2 and +3 filters for those shots of angels dancing on a pin, but close up work is now covered. Actually I've long since relegated the Soligor and the ME to that specific use, but all I've added is a couple of ME bodies, just in case.

    Strictly an FYI bit of info. Hope it helps.


  8. After long steps of equipment upgrading during 40 years as a news

    photographer/columnist, I find I still reach for my ME supers when I need a

    quick, but quality, shot. With a Nikon digital on hand, and a pair of ZX 30's

    in my kit, It's time to let go of the ME pair. Anyone have an idea of their

    worth? Both in good condition and working fine.

    This is almost as much of a problem (finding answers) as in the day I moved

    up from my $x5 Speed Graphic to a rolleiflex.

    Any advice??? (aside from playing the silly Ebay game)


  9. Although I am currently shooting 90% Digital with a Nikon 4300, and have a pair of ZX-30's (28-80 and 80-210), I still feel underequipped without my pair of MESuper bodies (35-105 Soligor and Makinon 24), that I have paid for many times with pix sold to illustrate outdoor and travel magazine pieces.Emjoy your classes, as I did a few decades back, but that was the day of the 4x5, which didn't exactly offer much automation to worry about.

    Ross Parsons-Texas

  10. Although I am currently shooting 90% Digital with a Nikon 4300, and have a pair of ZX-30's (28-80 and 80-210), I still feel underequipped without my pair of MESuper bodies (35-105 Soligor and Makinon 24), that I have paid for many times with pix sold to illustrate outdoor and travel magazine pieces.Emjoy your classes, as I did a few decades back, but that was the day of the 4x5, which didn't exactly offer much automation to worry about.

    Ross Parsons-Texas

  11. It's enjoyable to hear from folks who didn't get their photo start with a 4x5 and a camera bag full of #2 bulbs. Invasive? Actually a better choice of descriptive adjectives might be impressive to the general public,especially as a news fotog.

    Today I carry a pair of SLR's as well as my digital Nikon, and wish they had been available "back in the day". But unless I intrude on a subject, I don't feel either or any of my pieces of equipment is intrusive, unless I make it so.

    Ross Parsons - Texas

  12. It's enjoyable to hear from folks who didn't get their photo start with a 4x5 and a camera bag full of #2 bulbs. Invasive? Actually a better choice of descriptive adjectives might be impressive to the general public,especially as a news fotog.

    Today I carry a pair of SLR's as well as my digital Nikon, and wish they had been available "back in the day". But unless I intrude on a subject, I don't feel either or any of my pieces of equipment is intrusive, unless I make it so.

    Ross Parsons - Texas

  13. Been using Pentax for many years and haven't heard of a 1.2. I never held anything faster, for my screw mount bodies, than my Super-Takumar 1:1.4/50, but it's still a great lens. Other than that, I also own, and use, a ST f/1.8/55 and a ST f/2/55. I stepped "UP"? to bayonet mounts a few years back, so the only other screw mount I still own is the ST 28mm f/3.5.

    Sorry I can't offer a positive answer to your quest for the elusive 1.2.

    Ross Parsons

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