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Posts posted by caitland_corbridge

  1. I have recently (since having my first child, now four)decided that I am very interested in (portrait) photography. I have been educating myself through all kinds of books, wishing that I had taken some photo classes in college. I think it's funny the way people debate over digital vs. traditional, but I am so glad that I have taught myself the ways of the traditional 35mm, and now since borrowing my neighbors D100 a week ago, am expecting my own in the mail soon (that's why I am up in the middle of the night typing this...too excited about the camera to sleep!!!) But as others have said I am excited to just speed up my learning! No waisted film, I can immediately see what I am doing wrong/right, and I don't forget in between photo-taking and film processing what the heck I did. Just from the photos I took of my two kids with the borrowed camera...pretty amazing!!!!! Maybe I'll check the UPS tracking again!:)



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