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Image Comments posted by natefri




    Just me again! I did comment on the same model, Pic No. J1718_07
    Professional makeup & more can be considered!
    Please take a peek at comment on J1718_07.

    f/8 & be there!





    Hope you are keeping well. First of all I appreciate you for taking your valuable time to leave a comment on my portfolio.

    I would like admire you for all your nice photos that you have placed here as Dentist; it is so admirable to see such nice photos that have been captured by a Dentist who loves photography & follow that as his serious hobby!

    Please accept my sincere congratulation! 

    Regarding this shot & model I should say that you did a great job to capture the model's mood. As a fashion & glamour photographer; the first thing that draw my attention in such kind of shots is makeup, hair & style even in a simple way especially from style point. Here I think professional makeup & hair style(if model is comfort enough to take off her scarf) would help to give a more professional shot. As I noted earlier above you've done a wonderful job but just adding such key factors(at least in my opinion) would help for a stronger in shot in expression. She is pretty & have a potential sexy look. Directing her will give some great beauty shots for sure.

    Honestly to say I wished having chance to work with your model in an beauty assignment. Is she professional or aspiring model?

    Once again I appreciate you for your comments & hope we can stay in touch much more in future. I wish you lots of lucks in your upcoming projects.

            Keep great shootings & stay always happy & well,




    Great example of elegance! Maybe the model with bare arm could be more impressive! to tell the story! Embroideries are always perfect!

    Good Luck,




    Lovely model! we are not searching always for slim & fashion style models! Sometimes a cute chubby belle can tell our story! Just let's just direct her!

    Good luck,




    speechless! Just perfect example of combining lighting & shadows! Small bright line on left arm are fantastic!

    You have create a great mood!

    Stay well & keep great shootings!




    Simple & stylish! I don't want to look for lighting, makeup, hair or other matters in this shot, that is something that drew my attention! In my opinion simple, stylish & well-done in its own manner! If I were you I direct her to put her legs in different positions! Thank you & good luck my friend!


  1. The same great model! Put more attention on light & composition! A little bit direct your model in posing!

    You can really reveal more beauty & sensual essence of this model!

    Keep great shootings,


  2. Stunning model, nice look & all natural! Thanks to your vision!
    You may have plenty of great seductive shots with your model; give it a try especially outdoors! It worth my dear friend!

      Keep great shootings,


    Sara & Janina


    Sexy, seductive with touch of fetish style created a combination to seduce its viewers! Great job "Hunt"!separation is great!

    Accessories well styled, I like especially leather choker of blond girl!

    Great makeup!

       Keep f/8 & great shootings!




    You have done a great job my friend! First of all lucky to have such a pretty belle!

    Well exposed, good lighting, hair & makeup are quite well. Just black eye line & darker lipstick may give sexier look!

    Keep great shooting!




    Another nice shot your your dear cute sister! Naturally captured! You have a great camera vision! Keep great shooting! Like to see more new portrait shots from you.

    Please don't mind me if I wrote you couple of words here; they are just my personal opinion that i would like to share with you;

    As I see edge of both shoulders about to be washed out by bright background, you know 70-300 mm f/4-5.6G can't give razor-sharp edges compare to Nikon's ED series at the same focal length. so It is possible to give a try & get a higher exposure reading from face by giving more light (soft & even) & step down f value to have defined shoulder edge from your background. Spot metering from BG will help too.

    Forgive me to take up your time.

    Good Luck,




    Dear Ali,

    Congratulation on your very nice & well-captured shot! God has gifted you a princess as sister, take care of her!

    The light is even! a small reflector white or silver/while from underneath gives more vivid look to her skin tone.

    What about to think about another shot: moving her right shoulder up close to her cheek & eyes look at your lens!

       Good luck,




    Dearest Bahar,

    Just me again!

    Maybe it is my personal obsession about hair & makeup but I think they play key role in face & beauty shots. Maybe your goal has been to shot natural beauty of your model. It is up to you! But makeup could help you to get better look from cheeks, lips & especially nose.

    In general it is nice shot & you've captured her mood in natural way, maybe 1/4 CTO filter on your front light source could give glamorous face. So what about to think about it's BW version of this shot with low key lighting to emphasize on mood of your given pose!




    Dear Bahar,

    Congratulation on your nice shots; look forward to see more new works from you. Here a little bit kick off light from left side of the model could create a better balance to reveal more details of darker side! Innocent model; hair, makeup & directing her look could create various nice shots that you have captured one of them.

       With my sincere compliments,


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