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Posts posted by gordon_logue

  1. <p>About a year ago I was shooting a reunion and one of the guests showed up with a 5D. When I looked at it I noticed that he had it set on full automatic and asked him why it was set there. He told me that he was just learning photography. That is like buying a jet to learn to fly. The point is: technique is more important than the camera. Remember, the first 10,000 shots are a warm up for the next 10,000 shots.</p>
  2. I think changing the software may account for some of these problems. However, the "Rate Recent Average" area was created some time ago to stop "date rating." A lot of people had a lot of friends, real and virtual, who would rate 6 and 7 for a shot of their hang nail. To base the rating only on anonymous ratings prevents this. By excluding the newbies, it becomes a little more accurate.


    No matter what rating system is dreamed up, someone is going to get the shaft on occasion. After a few years on this site, I believe that overall you get what you deserve. If your image can't handle a few low ratings then it is not good enough. If you are really honest with yourself and go back and look at the images that got low ratings, you will sometimes realize that a reasonable rater could give you a 3/3 and justify it. Sometimes the village idiot nails you with 3/3. If your image can't get a couple of 7/7's to beat this, then you deserve the overall rating. It is tough and it is not always fair but it is the best game in town.

  3. I feel much better now. I have consulted my "pigeon." He may look like a pigeon to you, but...


    I have only had two(2) forum postings since I joined here in 2003 and I guess I don't know how to do it. I am amazed that there are some of you who have had 2000, 3000, and 4000+ postings. I wonder how someone does that and actually has a life, but what do I know?


    My little problem involved the perfect software that PN has that didn't tell me what I wanted to know: that when I put the image up, it was successful. Silly me, I have only been in the software (programming) business for 20 years, I should have known it was me. I guess it is silly of me to expect the standards that we program to(DOD).


    I have been on PN for 3 years and defend it as the best site on the net for competition. I have my problems here as does everyone but I wonder about the forum vultures that I have encountered recently with this posting. I would suggest that you gentlemen get a life.


    have a nice day



    I will say no more about that as I suspect anyone who has 4000 responses or whatever to the forums has more problems than we could handle here.

  4. I have paid my money, why can't I put up an image?

    The option is not available. If you won't let me put it up, give me my money

    back. I am serious. I believe in this site but get serious about it. I didn't

    put up my money for decoration. If I cannot put up my most recent image, the I

    quit. Got it? Hope this one question mark satisfies your sorry ass javascipt.

  5. I have both the Visible Dust Sensor Brushes and Sensor Swabs. They are a breeze to use. Like and idiot, I took off the lens while giving a lecture in Norfolk and sat the camera on the table. It was a mess. I researched like crazy and worried. I got the sensor swabs and used 3 to clear it. Extremely easy. I then ordered the sensor brushes, even easier. It is true that if you screw up the sensor, you can throw the camera away, so plan ahead, practice the moves that you will have to make over the senso and it will work. One more bit of advice, don't try this with the hiccups.
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