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Image Comments posted by digitri


    Portrait subjects are hardly ever 100% happy with the result :) I can't judge if you did her wrong till I see her. I would like a bit less shellow DOF and I sure think cropping some of the bottom will improve the composition. Overall it's a nice portrait.


    That some bozos get any sexual idea in connection with this innocent photo is terribly sad. What has the world come to? Will all children be forbidden outdoors soon?

    Marcus, this is a very nice photo, keep up the good work and don't pay any attention to the maniacs.


    Check up the maximun allowed image size please, you're way over the limit. This site does not automatically reduce images to reviewable size, the only way for me to evaluate your work will be to download and resize it myself, only I don't think I feel like.
  1. Welcome Wendy! You definitely caught a moving moment here. It's touching and sincere. One can have all the schooling in the world and be a lousy photographer if he doesn't have the eye. Sure, experience and knowledge might help, but they are nothing without a talent. Technically, This photo is very well exposed and the lighting is good. The sharpness could be better, but it does not reduce my pleasure of it. 6/6.


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