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Image Comments posted by jeffc1

    Soft Expression

    Nice photo, but I would have removed the wrinkles on the forehead as well as the lines under the eyes. I also find the white back ground pulling my eyes from the model, which for me is a distraction. I really like your work.
  1. I really like, but I feel that the light on her left side is a bit distracting. Gives sort of a deformity look? I suggest either eliminate that light and leave as is, or eliminate that light and then lighten the shadow on that side of her face just a bit. Just my opinion, but still very nice. Pretty model.
  2. Me again: I feel tree distracting, and not sure of the significance of the shot. Angle & lighting make pic seem to flat. Try shooting in the mornnig or evening when sun has an orange glow to it (makes for a more interesting shot, which does wonders for color). Shadows will give a sense of depth. If possible, shot in evening, use tripod, and have lights on inside church to better show color in the glass. Maybe think about investing in a wide angle lens (approx 15mm) if you plan to shoot more architecture. Get a book on basic photography, that will help you a great deal. Good luck and keep up the good work.



    Sharpness good, but as far as portraits go...here's my opinion:

    Chair distracting, watch distracting (like making love with shoes on), pose not good, too close to the background (can see that it's a sheet with wrinkles as well as your shadow), background should be brighter, and your lighting needs alot of work. I am not ripping your work in the least, just stating what I see. Very attractive model (is this you?). Try this: Move away from background 5-6 feet, eliminate the chair, brighten the background, angle your body more, remove the watch, tilt head back some and sort of look over the shoulder, pull both straps off shoulders, try to have more catch light in the eyes, move your hair around on the top of your head so it doesn't look so flat (maybe even wet the hair), use a hair light, use lip gloss to bring out your lips, try not to look so serious but sexier (I know you can do it!!), and use a soft filter (or soften it up some on computer if you use digital). Experiment with this some and see if it makes a difference. Hope this helps :)

    Keep up the good work!!

  3. Nice capture. Looks like he's in the spot light. I would like to have seen more light on the frog. Next time how about trying a ring flash, increase the exposure by over compensating, or use a faster ISO speed.


    Always nice to catch wildlife, good job. I know none of us have control over nature, we take what we can get when we can get it, but the natural light a bit intense. Next time try a polarizing filter.
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