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Image Comments posted by hoot



    I like this, Funki. Nice simple scene.

    Kinda have the horizon dead center though. Maybe try cropping the sky a bit and shave some off the right side. That'll move the boat closer to one of the sweet spots.

    I'm a "rule of 3rds" kinda guy;)



    That's at Missouri Botanical Gardens, in St. Louis. I didn't think any loons still came over here and looked at stuff.

    Another photographer was already set up at this spot so I couldn't quite get the angle I'd have liked to for this and crop out that green stuff. Time was short, so I had to take what I could get.


    Thanks for commenting. I didn't use any filters on this and only contrast and lightness adjustments in Photoshop. It's just a great group of trees. Been going to this location every fall for as long as I've owned a camera. The film was Agfa Ultra, allegedly the most color saturated print film available. I use it quite frequently.
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