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Image Comments posted by jason_hill2

    Child & Dog

    The lighting is what really makes this stand out... a dark upper left corner and a bright right center, with the subjects right in the middle. Her eyes really grab your attention.



    I took this this morning after it rained. I was messing around with the settings on my

    camera. Too often my shots have this blown out look (could be the white balance... I

    don't know). Anyhow, I turned the white balance down before I took this. Comments



    The original was taken out of a car window at 55mph. Obviously this was not ideal conditions. I was riding home from somewhere with my father and brother and I had my digital camera on me. The sky looked cool, so i just snapped away. The original of this was 1600x1200 or something... I just cropped this out... that's why its really grainy and blurred. When I get some time I plan on putting up some real shots that I actually WORKED on. : ) This was me just messing around. Thanks for the comment though.

    Seeing red!

    There isn't a thing about this picture that I don't like. The lighting is perfect; the light glinting off the water gives this picture such a natural feel, and the simplicity of the subject goes to show us all that the smallest things in nature can show God's glory in profound ways. This shot could be a National Geographic cover... seriously.
  1. This tower is an old military observation tower that was located on

    68th Street in Virginia Beach, VA. It was recently demolished, much

    to the disappointment of many local residents including myself. The

    tower had been used in World War II to spot German U-boats and other

    vessels off the coast, in an effort to protect shipping in and out

    of the Chesapeake Bay. The Navy saw fit to demolish this piece of

    history, citing that it was "too expensive to keep up" ($400 a

    year... go figure), and that it was taking up "valuable parking

    space" at the nearby officer's club. It cost them around $19,000 to

    take down the tower... go figure. My brother took this shot, but I

    am submitting it on his behalf. The saturation was increased just

    slightly to help the red stand out against the blue sky. I am a

    beginner photographer, and any comments would be very welcome.

  2. God always makes the best paintings, doesn't He? Fine example caught here. : ) The windmills are interesting, and their strong contrast against the sky really makes this photo something to look at.
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