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Posts posted by erik_eilers

  1. Hey All!

    I am heading on a trip to South Africa in November, and will be

    doing a cage dive with Great White Sharks. I have a 20D, but I cannot

    afford a new housing for it for one trip. Dose anyone know if there

    is a place to rent a water housing for a 20D in the Cape Town area??

    Otherwise, I am stuck with an underwater disposable:(


    Thanks for any information


    Erik Eilers


  2. Leave the flash at home! I just got back from Antarctica, but was on the Ross Sea side. There was so much ice around that it all aacted as a big white reflector. I bought a 550ex for the trip, and didn't use it once. We had 24 hours of daylight, but were a bit more south then the pennisula side. We had quite a bit of snow. The penguins were great. Be careful about your exposure...easy to mess up with all the snow around.

    Have a great trip, especially in Chile!!! Another dream trip for me!!



  3. LIke alan said,

    The crop factor is just a crop. There is no extra magnification just because the sensor is smaller than film. So a 10-22 has the photo footprint of a 16-35, but the magnification of a 10-22. Meaning if you took an image of a person at the same distance with a 10-22 set at say 15mm, with film then with digital at the same settings, and compared the two images at the same scale, the people will be the same size, but the film will have a larger footprint because of size of the film.

    Alan, chill out! 35mm film has been around a lot longer than digital, and people are going to be comparing it to that for years to come.


    Hope this helps Linda


  4. I need a high resolution camera system that will allow me to connect

    it to a computer and control the shutter and settings via the

    computer. This system will also have to have the capability to

    preview, on the computer screen, what the camera is looking at

    before the shot is taken. It is for a research trip to the

    anarctic. The camer will be mounted outside an aircraft, and will

    need to be controlled from within the aircraft.

    Any help is much appreciated.

  5. Thanks a bunch for the help guys. It looks like I am going to pack up a bunch of Provia 400...I am a little scared to take 800 through the scanners at the airport. What 800 speed film is good for that sort of stuff...color rendition and grain???

    Thanks for the help!

  6. Greetings -

    I am heading down to Coast Rica at the end of Feb. and will be doing

    quite a bit of hiking in and around Corcovado. I am having trouble

    trying to figure out what film to shoot for the rainforest? I will

    be bringing a bunch of Velvia for places which aren't so dark, but I

    have never shot in the rainforest, and am not sure if velvia is

    going to be fast enough? I do have a tripod, and will be using

    various lenses that all open up to f4 aperature. I will have a

    550ex flash unit but no extender for it. How does the Provia 400

    hold up in these conditions? If it pushes well, it think it

    wouldn't over do the greens in the rainforest???

    How do you guys think Velvia 100 would do pushed? I think it is ok

    processed normally, but haven't had a chance to push it yet???


    Thanks for the help.



  7. I am heading down to Manzanillo Mexico in a week, and will be there

    for a few days before heading out on a research ship. I was wondering

    if anyone has been there, and had some good photo tips for the area?

    I have never been to mainland mexico, but am very excited, especially

    since work is paying for it. I like to shoot pretty much anything

    from landscapes and street scenes to candids and sports. I hope I

    kand find some help out there...thank you.


  8. I am going on a trip to Joshua Tree National Park, and was curious as

    to what film would be better? I plan on taking both Velvia 50 and

    E100VS. Which would be a better film for the desert colors? I am

    leaning more towards e100vs for the warm colors of the desert. I am

    hoping to see some pretty spetacular evening and morning light over

    some beautiful country. Just want to hear other's opinions on good

    desert films.



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