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Image Comments posted by tomsmalling

    Take a Breath

    You have to love Wiamea shorebreak. It's one of the most recognizable & powerful wave images. I've seen several nice ones, but my favorite is a surfer coming back in making a completely vertical drop from the top.


    Very Strong photo, I especially like the wet look to the hair. I can see this being used in a sport drink/workout ad. Very good job.
  1. The dead center placement bothers me. Also, the way the water magnifies her bottom it makes her proportions look very wierd. I hope you have some other shots on the roll because the water is amazing.

    bee 01

    It's a really nice pic, I like the flowers and the use of D.O.F. I think it would be stronger if the head & antennae was in focus instead of the wings, maybe increase the D.O.F. next time around.
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