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Image Comments posted by luke_southern

  1. lol, no i try and fit this in between the magazine on sydneys northern beaches that my family and i produce, for these shots i wake up in the middle of the night with a "bright idea" and hop straight on it, i have usually got some fruit in the fruit bowl, and water in the tap and camera at hand........... of course their is a lot of "going back to bed frustrated as well" the simplicity of these shots is the set up, if you can nail the focus (the hardest part) the water will do the rest! ps...........i had better get back to work now!

    cool kiwi

    thanks for your feedback, geeze ya make me blush! i guess thats one reason i like it, you can have it up or down, depending on your feel for it.............its a completely genuine pciture, no photoshop loveing at all, i have 50 others that crashed and burned, kinda like close but no cigar, but this one i captured ok! he he stay tuned, more coming soon!

    cool kiwi


    i guess the beauty of this shot, is if you get bored with it, turn it upside down....... got to

    be happy with that!........... painstaking work shooting these, im glad their is no drug

    testing for performance enhancing drugs for photography as these caputres were so

    quick.......... (ps.......kidding bout the drug thing) im very pro drug free photography!!!


    regards luke! :)

    cool forms

    thankyou for all your feedback, shot composed outside in morning sunlight, tin foil underneath the blender bowl created a watery like effect, the blueness in the shot is from the blue sky reflecting in the foil, which also added to highlight the water as it shot up, shutter speed 1600/2000 sec using a 300mm lense, on a 9ft tripod directly above the bowl, some of the shots, in my folder got rather abstract, but i put them up anyways!

    Water moods

    congrats, one of my favourite subjects to shoot, i guess that is the beauty of shooting water, its never the same shot twice! beautiful, id certainly put that on my wall! :)
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