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mark u

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by mark u

  1. A well thought out shot, from the use of a wide angle lens to give the perspective, the technique and choice of colours for the rotated torches, to the exposure. The image gives an impression of some nuclear particle facility or sci-fi teleporter from Star Trek or Dr. Who. This is a shot that exploits the capabilities of photography (it could have been captured on film or digital) to show something not normally seen except in the mind's eye. Well done.


    Nice idea, but you need to have focus really sharp on the tip of the eyebrow pencil and right eyelashes - instead it's on the bridge of the nose. With the right focus, it would challenge the convention of focus on the nearer eye in portraits, and the consequent extra soft focus on the mirror and left eye would convey a message about the difficulty of applying makeup. The lighting that draws attention to the right eye is good. With the right focus, this would have been a very good shot.

    Boats 2

    The composition doesn't quite work for this photo - and the horizon isn't level. The branches for a distraction: rather than leading down into the boats they divide the background scene.

    Roadside Beauty

    Are you left handed, or do you read a language that reads from right to left? Many of your compositions have diagonal elements the flow from right to left, rather than left to right. If you'd placed the mountain in the right half of the frame and used more of the road as the diagonal lead in it would make a much stronger picture. Left to right diagonals are associated with downward motion, and right to left with upward. In this case, we need to raise our eyes to the mountains...

    Bird in Flight

    You caught exactly the right moment. I agree with the comment about the framing. The image might have worked even better if it was shot from a lower viewpoint so the bird's belly was cradled by the bridge catenary - but that would have required a high degree of anticipation and luck.
  2. This image shows a good eye for composition and light, with a well chosen exposure to capture it. Unfortunately, the circumstances of taking it have resulted in a lot of motion blur, which doesn't quite pass muster as an impressionistic effect.
  3. Technically, this image is poor - ruined by flare. I hope you were at least using a lens hood - but you need a very good quality lens to handle sun in the image photos of this sort. It's also very difficult to capture in view of the very wide dynamic range between the bright shaft of sun and the deep shadows. I think you would have done better to have concentrated on the sunlit dried grass and the lower portion of the trees and excluded the sun altogether. The image then needs some other element of interest. It was an opportunity to do something in the style of Vermeer, the Dutch painter.
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