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Image Comments posted by kevinbriggs


    You've definitely found a sweet spot for photographing landscapes! You are really coming up with some absolutely gorgeous works. Congratulations on such fine shots.

    mind the gap


    I think you have done a fantastic job with the color saturation here. Yes, it may be slightly oversaturated, but I think that that is an artist's prerogative -- to be able to do whatever they like with a particular piece of artwork.


    I think there is often a great misunderstanding when it comes to the difference between poor artwork and the choices that an artist makes to present a particular piece a certain way. They miss the prerogative aspect of such artistry, in other words.


    True, there are often times in which there is a fine line between such use of prerogative and bad artwork, but more often than not I find reviewers giving poor marks not because the photo strictly represents "bad photography" but rather because of the artistic choices made by the photographer. Such reviewers will begin by saying "... I would have done such and such...", noting their own particular artistic perspective, and then they end up giving lower ratings just because their own artistic viewpoint doesn't match with that of the photographer's.


    This takes place with landscape photography perhaps more than any other photographic presentation medium. There are so many times in which extraordinarily beautiful portrait photography will be presented on this website -- photos which have been considerably saturated or desaturated (and otherwise altered in Photoshop), for example -- and yet they will get 7/7 marks. But try to replicate this with a landscape photo and you are apt to receive a lot of mediocre or negative ratings.


    Sorry to go on for so long about all of this, but it happens so often and has been taking place for so long, that finally I thought I would take the time to make a quick comment... which ended up being not so quick. =)


    Anyways, congratulation on this outstanding photo!

    Amanda BW


    It's actually quite rare that I find a portrait gallery or individual portrait photo to be something original, even something stunningly beautiful and brilliant. But this is what immediately came to mind after first viewing your presentation here. Very nice work!



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