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mark anthony

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Image Comments posted by mark anthony

  1. I like the picture but I do think that the large dark area at the bottom, with the title does spoil it a lot. It would be nice to see this with a normal frame all round, and the title just put as normal on a picture. It is a very good picture though. On first glance I thought it was a beach photo..
  2. Thanks for your comments......Yes Digitri, The photo was taken some time ago, and I had realy compressed it because I had it on my occult web site. This was the only copy I had left, so after touching it up the best way I could This was the one I used. I think somewhere I might have the pictures to re-create the scene. I will try to find them out and re-do a better version... But I think because it is framed within a film cell I can get away with it a bit.

    Sweet Home

    This is a very nice picture. My only comment is that the edges need touching up. If you look close you can see it has a bit to much of a cut out efect


    Judging by his one photo Title I think this is where Mr. Smith got his name from( John Smiths Beer ). Having said that, come on John you can see that Andrea can take very good pictures, and I can't see why you have got personal with her accusing her of rate fixings.That is just stupid. And anyway that is not what this site is about. I bet If you asked most people on here and this go's for myself as well. I'm not to bothered about ratings, what is one persons cup of tea..is not always anothers. Some people can rate 7 / 7..others see it as a 3 / 3 .I think the most important thing is, the true helpful comments that people give to help us on our way to becoming better photographers. The ratings system on here is not the be and end all, it's ment to be a helpful guide to what people think
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