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Image Comments posted by deanfryda


    I really love this image. The way you've caught the action of the dog and how crisp and in focus the dog is. I love the lighting and the framing. The background being so far out of focus is very pleasing to the eye. Keep up the great work.
  1. The neighbors house burned down from an electrical fire earlier this

    year. Unfortunately it was a total loss. I grabbed my camera and

    took some shots from my driveway. I didn't want to get in the way

    of the fire fighters. Technically how is this photograph, and what

    would you do, if anything, to make it more interesting?


    Great capture! The bigger the cat, the harder they sleep, that tongue sticking out is awesome! Great DOF and lighting. Check out my portfolio, I think I might have caught his mate snoozing as well!


    Stunning portrait! The lighting and framing are perfect, as well as your choice to use BW. Her eyes and the expression on her face just draw you in. I?ve come back a few times to look at this portrait. Keep up the great work!

    Golden eagle

    Extraordinary capture! Once again you?ve captured an incredible moment in time. Your work is a great inspiration, and pictures like this just make me want to grab my Canon and drive up to northern Wisconsin to capture the Eagles up there. Keep up the great work!

    Busting Out


    Last summer over a period of two or three days I had noticed

    hundreds of empty cicada shell stuck on trees. So I went in search

    and I located one on the stones located under my walk way. It was

    very dark so I used a reflector to shine some light into the crevice

    to illuminate the cicada. Please let me know what you would of done

    differently to improve this photo. Thanks Dean

  2. I really love this capture Rich. It's makes you think about what the captain of the ship is thinking with those black clouds rolling in. And just getting the break in the cloud, which almost looks like it's shining on the boat is saying to that captain, don't worry I'm (God) is watching over you. I also like the warm colors on the horizon and the crisp detail of the boat. Very well done 7/7


    What a great capture. I really like the expression you've captured on the models face. The lighting is just perfect, and the choice to go with sepia was a good idea. The tones are so warm and the expression on her face makes you wonder, just what was she thinking at this point in time. 7/7

    Whoooo Me !

    Great Shot, I like that the entire owl is tack sharp and the blurred green background works great with the subject. Your choice of cropping is also very well, I've seen so many photos with the bird smack in the middle of the frame, I like the owl set off slightly to the right. 7/7
  3. Great Capture! I like the symmetry in this shot and the light water fountains. One thing I would try tho, is to capture this shot before the sun was completely set. I see some blue and dark red is the sky, perhaps taking this shot a little sooner would of brought out those colors in the sky a little more.
  4. Well Done! The colors are great and I like the way the stairs break up the horizontal colors. I also like the framing with the monk on the right looking towards the empty space to the left, perhaps clearing his mind of clutter.
  5. What an incredible capture! I love the way the road heads off towards the mountain, or in this case almost infinity. The lighting of the clouds, both in the forground and over the mountain are awesome. 7/7
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