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Posts posted by deanfryda

  1. I had the same 99err today on my Mark III. I tried different lenses and a different battery, but evertime I went to push the shutter to take the shot the lens would stop down, and I would here a click, then the 99 error would show up. I took the lens off, rebooted the camera and lifted carefully the mirror and watched for the shutter to move when I pushed the shutter butten. I saw the curtain move slightly, then the 99Err. I ended up banging the camera on the side and that fixed the problem. So I'll be sending it in to get looked at, but I've taken several hundred pictures today and I can't get the error to return, so smacking the camera on the side with my open hand seemed to free something that was stuck. So if you are in a jam taking pictures and this happens, hopefully you can try this and it will get you through your photoshoot.
  2. Hello Bill. Like yourself my wife is also a minister. What it boils down to is respect. The Pastor should have the final say in the matter. So many people have this attitude that you can't tell them what to do.


    I've done plenty of weddings and several of them the Priest or Pastor has requested no flash photography. When that happens I use the 1.4 or 2.8 on a higher ISO setting. Like several others have already stated, if you're a good photographer you'll get the important shots. I have to admit however, when I have missed a shot, I've been able to explain to the minister that because of not being able to use a flash I missed a shot that I thought was really important. I've never had a problem with a minister not letting me recreate that shot, and in one occasion the Priest told me he was letting me recreate the shot just because I respected his wishes and didn't use a flash. As far as my wife goes, she does allow flash photography during her weddings. She knows just by working with her mother and trying to show her how to use a digital camera, there is no way to teach them how to turn off that auto flash.


    Once again, it boils down to respect for the person officiating the ceremony. I almost always stop by the rehearsals the day before to check out what the shooting conditions are going to be like, and I always talk with pastor in front of the bride and groom so that everyone is clear on what the rules are.

  3. I've found the answer, it had to do with the fact that I had taken 9627 photos on my camera and when it gets to 9999 the camera will ask you to start a new folder (EOS001) to continue, at this point the picture counter shot back up to what the memory card can truely hold. So if it appears that your memory card can't hold what it used to, check to see where your file number is at, and if it's getting close to 9999 you don't have anything to worry about, the camera will ask you to make a new folder.
  4. I have noticed that the available shot counter on my Canon and

    dramatically gone down in size. I have a 4GB flash card and it used

    to tell me I could take about 1700 pictures, then it dropped down to

    about 1200 now the picture counter is at 373. I've tried a 2GB card

    and I get the same 373 availble, then I tried another 4GB card and

    it still only says I have 373 shot available. I've tried changing

    the ISO because I knew that used to change the available memory and

    the other camera setting are on default, such as JPG Quality set at

    8. The camera is set only to recored L jpeg file, but even if I

    change is to M1 or M2, it still only reads 373, where before it went

    up to 9999. Is this a problem that others have noticed, or do I

    need to send my camera in for service? Thanks, Dean

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