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r. macia

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Posts posted by r. macia

  1. Limitation = happiness. 4x5 is a cannon, roll film a rifle, 35mm a pea shooter......(once you

    know large format..that is.)

    Take less large format equipment. Don't try to "cover the bases"using other lesser

    formats.............4x5's Quickloads......run around a lot. Enjoy.

    Did Venice to Rome 500 sheets Quickload, in 2002. Be careful with tripods. Italians are

    hungry for money and decend right away on you for a "Permit"....a bullshit scam whereby

    they ask that you get a permit that costs $700 for the day. Only a fool would get one.

    Good luck!

  2. Practice with the fuji holder and a pack first. They take getting used to. You could take 5

    ordinary holders and reload them on the spot with a changing bag???, Quickload film is

    about 25-30% more expensive than sheets....... But shoot a sunset, and not have to

    unload,reload, before going to bed.....maybe Quickloads are worth it.? I've used both

    sheets, and Quickloads on trips......can't say which I prefer.

    (I'm going to Japan in the fall...Technar or Technika....sheets or Quickloads......and where is

    100 Velvia!!) Good luck!

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