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Image Comments posted by keithmca

  1. i would definately shoot lower, up at the subject. This would include more of the ramp and less of the background. Also, if you have to use direct flash, steal one of those sun reflectors for car windshields and bounce it off that. If your flash doesnt pivot maybe find a portable light to set up.
  2. no i dont think he was drunk. regardless of the trick, its not a good photo. The histogram for this photo would look like a nightmate. everything is completely blown out. no highlight has any detail to it. the framing with the pole to the left is distracting and useless. this is not good enough for a snowboard publication and it doesnt communicate to non snowboarders well enough either. Its not terrible considering you still have a lot to learn. Having your friends come and "mate-rate" or defend an accurate critique is childish though.
  3. i dont think this is flattering at all to the skater. It's shot from higher than the subject so looks as though the deck could be touching the ground or only 1-2 inches off the ground at the tail. the other big problems are the distracting background, out of focus subject, dead center composition and its too wide and too far away. get closer, lower, maybe some rear curtain sync to show a little movement.
  4. Pretty good action, but it needs to be cropped tighter. The guy video and taping and the "half"-lady at the counter are distracting. Also, it wouldnt hurt if you could shoot at f2.8 or wider. The color looks off, but it could be my monitor.


    The background is pretty distacting in this shot. Maybe if you had shot it verticle. Also, direct flash has the subject blown out. Have you tried using off camera flash or pocket wizards. Rear sync might help too. The timing is right on, body position is perfect.

    Karate Sunset

    this is wrong on so many levels. from the gradient(which looks more like a german flag than a sunset) to the composition/layout, subject lighting. it just looks really...cheesy. get some good lighting and some in-focus shots and leave them alone.

    market display

    very interesting. lots to look at. i like the composition i would really would like to see a closer, wide shot to show some contrast in all those wonderful textures.
  5. a place like this is so strangely lit, i dont think you're doing it justice by having such a loose, wide shot like this. I wouldve liked to see closer (if possible?) compositions really acticulating specific colors in contrast and formations. Great colors overall regardless.
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