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Posts posted by louie_caracas1

  1. Chris, I agree with Francisco Bal, the only place I would avoid, is the Basilan in Mindanao, where the terrorists are hiding. I am also from the Philippines.


    I could see from your itinerary that you only intend to photograph the islands of Visayas and Luzon. The Mindanao island is close to Indonesia and Malaysia. It's the island where a few kidnappings have taken place and have been exaggerated as indicated by Francisco. Cebu is a beautiful place and Mountain Province is also a nice place to photograph.


    Archie Alcantara, the Philippines is still a beautiful country and the recent kidnappings have not physically eroded its beauty. However, you were too quick in giving your reply as KIDNAPPING as the risks, without considering the facts.


    Archie Alcantara, if you TRAVEL the countries of Columbia, other Central American countries and Iraq--you could also get kidnapped. At least, in the Philippines, they don't do the beheadings...


    In my country Archie, we have a saying that goes this way: ANG TAONG HINDI MARUNONG MAGMAHAL SA SARILING BANSA AY MAS MAHIGIT PA SA MALANSANG ISDA. Seriously, it is true!!!!


    Louie Caracas

  2. Hi, all.


    I have bought a Vivitar TTL flash adapter recently (like a hot shoe)

    for my F3HP, since I can't afford the Nikon brand. I only paid $18.00

    for it.


    Now, I want to use my SB 26 (with the Vivitar adapter attached) on my

    F3HP, instead of the suggested SB 16A or 16B. I see this as old

    technology meets new technology. So, will there be damage to the SB

    26 with the use of this the Vivitar flash adapter?


    As always, thank you so much.


    Louie Caracas

  3. Hi, all.


    For some of us, photography is a hobby. For some, it is a

    profession. These are the two main reasons why we OWN several nice

    cameras, and many "preferred" Nikon lenses. We have reasons why we

    chose photography-- as a hobby and as a career.


    In most parties that I attend to, I am USUALLY the "designated

    photographer," and thank God, not the designated driver. :-) I have

    made lots of people HAPPY with my photography, which in turn makes me

    happy as a person. For example, last weekend a friend of mine

    celebrated her birthday. I gave her a framed 4x6 photo that I took a

    few years ago. She was so delighted and amazed how differently she

    looked, a few years back. I also have made lots of friends with my



    Has your photography changed/affected your life?


    I apologize for this lengthy post.


    As always, thanks to all of your answers.


    Louie Caracas

  4. I find ALL your answers comforting, in a therapeutic sort of way. :-) Like several of you, I used to own a lot of Nikon cameras and lenses. I am down to an F3HP plus an MD4, F4s, 35Ti and 6 lenses, all primes (consisting of AF and MF) after having been temporarily afflicted with the irrational fear of film's demise. Please no film vs. digital answers. Thanks.


    I am quite happy with my current set up. I feel "normal" now, after having read all your interesting answers.


    Again, thank you, for all your responses.


    Louie Caracas

  5. Hello, All.


    Three months ago, I made a mistake of selling my mint FM2n. Nursing

    my heart with "seller's remorse" disease, I recently bought an F3HP

    plus an MD4. Now, I am still not "feeling well," and wanting to buy

    an FM2n to replace the one that had gotten away.


    I already own an F4s and a Nikon 35Ti that I have been both using for

    so many years now. I would like to ask the forum members: how many

    Nikon cameras do you currently own? Do you think, you own too many?


    I am not sure if these questions have been asked in this forum



    Thanks a lot.


    Louie Caracas

  6. Supree:


    Don't worry too much about the apparent problems (in your head) regarding your FM2n and your wish of getting into Leica. It can only cause you sleep deprivation. I would suggest you do the inhale and exhale exercises. :-)


    For many years, I was happy owning a Nikon F4s and an FM2n. Last year, I threatened my wife that I would go on a hunger strike, if she wouldn't allow me to buy a Leica. :-) She finally conceded thinking that a Leica camera is cheap.


    Fortunately, I got a good deal on an M6TTL and bought it. A month later, I traded in all my Pentax 67 for another M6 classic. So, I had 2 Nikon and 2 Leica cameras last year.


    A couple of months ago, I sold my Leica M6 classic. The following month, I sold my Nikon FM2n. Here is the difference now, Supree, based on my personal experience. I REGRET having sold my FM2n, but have no regrets at all having sold the M6 classic.


    I am so remorseful having sold the Nikon FM2n, that I am planning again to threaten my wife with a hunger strike, if she won't allow me to get another FM2n. :-)


    Regarding the differences of an FM2n and a Leica M6 as to their picture-taking capabilities, I would leave it to the experts in this forum.


    Louie Caracas

  7. Hello, All.


    Thank you for all the informative answers and advice you gave me regarding an F3 HP. The F3 that I have seen at the store was really clean and looked almost brand new--except the price was for me a bit high.


    I would be looking around for one that is within my budget, probably $450.00 as Jay had suggested.


    As always, thanks to everyone.


    May the FORCE be with you all. :-)


    Louie Caracas

  8. Hello, All.


    I did search the archives, but couldn't find any answers. If this

    question had been asked before, pardon my asking it again. How

    RELIABLE are the current F3 HP's out there available used,

    considering its age of 22 plus years. The reason I am asking is, I

    saw a MINTY one in a camera shop for $757.00 tax included. Are they

    still worth the money in spite of their age?


    Thanks a lot.


    Louie Caracas

  9. Wentong,


    Sorry for the loss of your wonderful Leica. However, we can learn from "Kung Fu" a popular tv hit in the 70's starred by David Carradine. In the scene Master Po is answering the many questions "Grasshopper" always asks his teacher. Master Po says: "The mountain is beautiful with snow. But after it loses the snow, green grows underneath. As for EVERY LOSS, THERE IS GAIN; AS FOR EVERY GAIN, THERE IS LOSS."


    I have seen a photo of your fiancee in one of your MANY postings. She is a beautiful woman. You are indeed a lucky man! You have lost a temporary beautiful partner (the Leica camera), but soon you will have a beautiful lifetime partner the day after the wedding!


    I hope my little analogy somewhat eases your pain. And, in this world Wentong, pain is part of our daily living.


    Personally, to me relationships matter more than photographic equipment. :-)


    Congratulations, and best wishes to both of you!


    Louie Caracas

  10. Are you referring to the Buena Park Camera Show last month, if you don't mind my asking, Caliber 60?


    I have been shooting with my 35 Ti for many years now. It is one great, portable and excellent carry-anywhere camera. I have dropped mine a few times on the pavement, but still works. The lens is sharp. Except for the tiny fill flash button that sometimes is a hit-and-miss--it has served me well. The price is all about right. But try to negotiate, some dealers are willing to knock off 25 dollars discount. If you wait until the show is almost over, the better are your chances of a "better" discount.


    You don't need the box for this camera. :-) Why do you need the box for? :-) Unless, you intend to sell it in the future. However, in my many years of experience frequenting camera shows--a good camera always sells without the box.


    I highly recommend this camera, Caliber 60.


    Louie Caracas

  11. After a few sleepless nights on deciding what to get, either an M6TTL or M2--and, some of you might consider my decision as heresy and decadence--I have decided to get the M2. However, I will heed the advice of several forum members not to pay over $600.00 for an M2 that hasn't had a CLA.


    At the last show, I had the opportunity to play with the M2 that the dealer was selling. It was smooth as butter...Not to say that an M6TT is not smooth. I also prefer "old" beauty.


    Thank you all.


    Louie C.

  12. Hello, all.


    Thanks again for all the wisdom-filled answers you gave me. The Buena Park camera show here in Southern California is Sunday, the 21st. I certainly know now what to buy based on your comments and suggestions. I am no longer confused, as a few of you had attempted to do. :-)


    Based on my experience, there are times in a photographer's life that decisions as to which camera body, or film, or lighting to use/choose could be best answered by more experienced photographers.


    As always, thank you so much to all of you.


    Louie Caracas

  13. Gentlemen:


    Thank you, gracias, domo arigato, merci--for all your prompt, varied and logical answers to my question. I asked the question, because the Buena Park Camera show here in Southern California will be this coming Sunday, the 21st.


    At the last show, I had sold my M6 .85 VF classic. Now, I am experiencing seller's remorse and needing therapy, which is why I asked if which camera is worth buying--M6 or M2. A dealer at the show has an M6TTL .85VF for $1100.00 which has remained unsold for several months now. He also has an M2, which to me looks in good condition for $900.00, hence a difference of $200.00.


    I like Stephen W's detailed answer. Thank you, Stephen. However, I also admire Al Kaplan's consistency and resolve in his responses. Thank you Alex for your encouragement in getting the M6.


    Thank you James M., Sheldon H., Wentong L. Stephen P., for having the time in answering my question.


    Good day to all of you.


    Louie C.

  14. Hello, All.


    I am trying to decide whether to get an M6TTL or an M2. The Price

    difference, I think is around $200.00. I have searched the archives

    for an M6TTL and M2 comparisons, but cannot find anything. The issue

    being, is it worth to get the M6TTL or the M2 which is apparently a

    better built camera.


    Thank you in advance for your thoughts and comments.


    Louie C.

  15. Hi, Todd. My response is more of personal, rather than photographic. Having read your innumerable posts for a few years now, I have developed a liking for your posts. I am really sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you completely recover from your injuries.


    I don't know if a Nikon 8008s or N90 is any lighter than an N90s. Plus they are probably now difficult to find. You might be better off with digital.


    If you decide to stop weddings completely, there are other ways by which you can use your talent, IMHO.


    Louie Caracas

  16. I had success in removing the "eyes" from my DR 50, with the lens mounted onto my M6 TTL. I was also able to put back the "eyes" without any difficulty--and, thanks to Mark J's intruction.


    Ralph, having read your latest answer, everything is clear to me now. Danke. Thank you. You're right, I can now focus the lens (without the "eyes") at longer distances.


    I am optimistic that my lens is not broken, as you might have speculated. I finally found a very honest camera dealer at the camera show this weekend. Finding an honest camera dealer at a camera show, is like bumping into a beautiful woman wearing a bikini at the mall. :-)


    As always, thank you for the help.



  17. Let me express my gratitude to those who have provided me with informative answers on my post. I also apologize, if I wasn't clear enough with my question.


    Yesterday, I have bought the 50 DR at a camera show in Southern California, with the "eyes" already attached onto the lens. Upon getting home, I hurriedly mounted the lens onto my black M6 to replicate Ralph Barker's M6 with a 50 DR I have had seen posted. If Sigmund Freud had a theory on "p---s envy," I honestly think, Ralph pioneered the "50 DR Envy". :-)


    I did the "mounting and dismounting" with the lens set to INFINITY without a glitch. After admiring the M6 with a 50 DR, I wanted to use the lens as a "normal-normal lens" without the eyes--since the "eyes" are already attached onto the lens. This is when, I encountered the problem of being unable to remove the "eyes".


    I will surely try all your suggestions and will report back whether I was successful in removing those "eyes" off the lens, or not.


    In the interim, thanks a million to you guys.



  18. Hello, all. I was at a camera show today and purchased a 50

    Summicron DR in excellent+ condition. I was so excited having bought

    this beautiful lens and never bothered to have asked the dealer on

    how to remove the "eyes."


    I was able to mount and dismount the lens on my M6 TTL, focused at

    INFINITY, but couldn't figure out on how to remove the "eyes". I

    tried twisting the lens to the left, and to the right direction--

    pulling the eyes, but without success. What is its normal focusing

    point, the direction in which I should turn the lens to remove the



    When I saw Ralph Barker's photo of his black M6 with a 50 DR, I could

    no longer sleep. :-)


    I would very much appreciate all your help. Thanks a lot to all. I

    apologize, if I have asked too many questions.





  19. "As far as film being dead, of course film is going to be dead. Have you seen anyone buying typewriters lately?" -Alex P. Schorsch


    I CONCUR with Allen Herbert on film not being dead, without a doubt. I am a camera show habitue'. For the last 14 years, I have been going to two camera shows in Pasadena and Buena Park, in California each month, religiously. Business on film-based cameras is still BRISK. People are still buying, selling and wanting film cameras such as Leicas, Nikons, Canons, Mamiyas, Hassy, etc., at the show. The shows are always packed and vibrant. There are a few camera dealers who sell digital cameras.


    I have noticed a few changes, though in my 14 years of frequenting camera shows. Medium format prices are really cheap, but not "dirt cheap" as others had thought. Affordable, I would say is the correct term.


    Several years ago, an M6 classic with a 50 cron was $2,300.00, today, you can get the same set-up for $1,480.00. I know, because I just got one a month ago. A Hassy 500cm with an A12 and 80mm CFT* lens several years ago was between $1600-1800. Nowadays, LNIB Hassy 500cm with 80 lens is $1,100., I actually saw a couple of "like new" samples. Ergo, buying has become affordable, for people with limited budget, but film-based cameras is not dead. It hasn't stopped or ceased breathing--it is alive. I now see a younger crowd, who are probably into film and digital, every 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month. Camera dealers, who sell digital cameras do actually carry signs that, they sell digital cameras. Other than that, the exchange of equipment and cash every Sunday continues, as long as the passion for photography never ceases. But once, the passion is lost, then, film could die, but quietly, I believe. It won't have a violent death. :-)


    With all due respect Alex, if you think film will eventually die, why spend lots of money on an MP? Not my business, just curious. It's your money--your choice. Hope, your MP is on its way.


    Oh, one more thing, Alex, I still use a typewriter at work. There are things you could still do on a typewriter. Our IBM Selectrics are just stowed away, but never tossed.



  20. "The Japanese were killing every Chinaman and Korean they could find".


    Absolutely FALSE. Korea was under the Japanese rule for 36 years. During world war II, Koreans fought under the Japanese flag. So, the Japanese weren't killing Koreans they could find during that war.


    Today, there is animosity between the Japanese and Koreans (caused by 36 years of occupation) but not to the extent of killing one another, in my opinion.


    I just humbly want the facts known.



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