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Posts posted by wiktor_skupinski

  1. The debate continues.

    I like to go wide so the crop is a deterrant for me too. but when it comes to quality it's all gone down the tubes anyhow. I shot Velvia 100F with a medium format camera on a tripod to get the sharpest shot I could. Had it printed 20x20 and it came back from the lab pixelated. Turns out that they scan 120 to a 30MB file and then resize it and printed digitally. Unless you can find a lab that will still do your stuff by hand, it's hopeless. So you might as well go digital.

  2. Don't bother drum scanning, too expensive. Shoot Fuji NPH400 inside and if very cloudy outside and NPS160 if you have lots of light. 550EX is a must, and a bracket also. Don't shoot digital. If it's overcast, you're laughing. put your camera on Av and f5.6 or 8, put your flash to -1 and don't warry about the rest. If you rent a 28-135, you could do the whole thing with one lense. To blur the back ground, just step back, zoom in and shoot f4-5.6. No less then f4, don't risk being out of focus. Use your Rebel, it's better to use equipment you're familiar with, plus it's not the camera that's taking the pictures but you. So equipment makes no difference. mail me if you want more.
  3. Does anyone know the difference between the cable release RS-60E3

    (for Elan7 bodies) and the RS-80N3 for Eos1V. Other than the jack.

    What makes the RS-80N3 Electromagnetic? What is that? Is this some

    power saving scheme? Is this a property of the cable release or is

    this built into the 1V body?

  4. Batteries, if possible get a battery pack for the Elan. AA are readily available anywhere in South America. CR123 may not be or you'll pay through the nose.

    A 20$ dry bag is a cheap way of keeping your stuff out of the rain, short of a plastic bag that will rip. I put my camera bag in a 30L dry bag and sailed across the Pacific and back, no problem. Take ziplocks. You won't find them in SA.

    They will visually inspect film if over ISO1000 (why 1000? don't know) I crossed the check point in LA right after 911, and had bulk loaded canisters that didn't display any ISO, I said that all my film is pushed to 1600. They baught it and I got 30 rolls through. In Ecuador they won't really care. And everyone seems to agree that the checks don't really kill your film. Keep your camera empty so you can show them what's inside and ask them to look over your film. If they say no, than don't worry.

  5. Just to clarify my question: I know that all the digital camera's do it, I think EOS 1V does it. But why no all of them. Any camera, Nikon's included, capable of E-TTL should be able to take a data bank logger. This would be a good aid for those of us using film cameras.
  6. The 540EZ was designed for EOS 1N which is no longer produced. Check the spec on canon's site. As far as I know the 540 will not wireless with anything not even when you use the ST-E2. The 550 has recently come down in price by 100$CAN. and it will serve you well in the future if you choose to upgrade your body. It is still double of the 420EX. EX will work with the digital bodies.
  7. Any Canon body can communicate all exposure information and lense

    settings to a speedlite. Has anyone tried to build a device that

    pretends to be a speedlite but instead logs all this information

    when a picture is taken? Does anyone have the brake down of the

    serial communications protocal that Canon uses?

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