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Image Comments posted by min



    You've caputured a beautiful and humorous portrait! I can't help to draw comparisons to work done by Thomas D. Manglesen and his well-known "Bad Boys of the Artic" polar bear photo.




    Initially, when I first saw this image, it looked as if it was a distant alien landscape taken from a satellite. Now, I'm quite curious. Is it lichen or mold on a tree? It's this lack of scale which is interesting. Soooo, what is it?


    Beautiful vibrant fall colors and gorgeous presentation. I really like the light showing through the back of the leaf as well as silky smooth background bokeh! Nice job!
  1. Very interesting and original. What makes the shot for me is the painting of Ben Franklin (just a wild guess) coming through the window and mixing with the glass reflections. It's that initial confusion that makes the viewer stop for a moment and scratch his head and look deeper. Cool.


    Yes, I do like the contrasty one a bit better. The photo looks a touch on the desaturated side ... perhaps go all the way for a BnW or saturate the stop sign a bit. Just my humble opinion.

    maybe camel?

    Now that's a great shot of a ... errr ... camel? Anyways, very funny and nicely framed and composed! Capturing the personality of an animal is an art form which you certainly have talent for! Thanks for sharing and making me smile today!


    Very interesting plywood texture and stop sign shadow. The only thing slightly distracting is the very top sliver of the image at the edge of the plywood barrier.


    That is a very, very, very (did I mention very) sharp macro. If I had the patience, I could count the number of hairs off it's body. Speaking of hair, I like the powdery yellow pollen sticking to it as it gives the photo a sense of realism. Brilliant yellows and pitch blacks. How did you get the black background? Did you take this shot in a studio?


    Wow. The contrast in colors between the purple pedals of the flower and the brownish background is nice. The shallow DOF really brings the flower to the forefront. Interesting choice of cropping, though I'm sure some would disagree. Thanks for sharing!


    Sorry I'm little late to the party ... I'm actually a little torn between the original photo and the cropped photo. Common wisdom usually dictates that having too much sky is wasted space. However, in this case, the contrails of the plane (at least, that's what it looks like in the upper right corner of the image) and the wispy nature of the clouds give a sense of realism and expansiveness. You could trim off the top a little bit, but not too much. Beautiful, beautiful colors and composition! I like the light blue sky merging with the brilliant orange of the sunset. The foreground is cropped just perfectly, with the stone fence budding against the corner. The horse lazily munching in the distance great. Now, there is a slight white halo at the horizon that may be an artifact of your image merging. But other than that, the effect is seamless and effective. Bravo!

    engagement ring


    I'm guessing that you softened the photo while keeping the ring in focus. Hmmmm ... I tried a rather radical experiment where I used PS for a radial motion blur centered on the ring.

  2. Yeah, using a shallow DOF is addictive, isn't? I bought a 50mm 1.4 for my new Canon 20D and I just keep on wanting to crank open the aperture as much as possible just to get that sweet, sweet bokeh. Now, I have to learn that not all photos benefit from a shallow DOF. This particular image, however, does benifit from a shallow DOF, I think.
  3. You know, this shot's been done a million time, but this is such a VERY GOOD one even so. Just because a shot's been done before doesn't make this any less worthy. The details and colors of the moss is exceptional. Is the water slightly blown? Sure, but I think it adds to that soft dreamy misty feel. Aesthetically speaking, this rocks!

    Air MAX!

    Thanks for your comments! Being the anal retentive guy that I am, sometimes I focus (pardon the pun) too much on the technical aspects of the photo. I was almost going to toss this one away at first glance (you know, delete the shot before even loading it onto the computer), but decided at the last instant to keep it. BTW. Alyssa, I'd love to see any photos that you'd like to share to the photo.net community.
  4. This shot intrigues me! On one hand, I'd like to see perhaps a horizon of trees or something for a reference. On the other hand, I like as it is since it is almost abstract and random like a screen saver of flying toasters. Bunches of black bird silhouettes creating larger patterns. Cool!
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