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Image Comments posted by john_kroy



    Is the idea of cropping the heads something to do with Anonimity? Some comment on faceless war?


    For me its an interesting idea, but ultimately I dont think it works as a photo.

    Goin' G


    I didnt look at the "larger" version and photonet has done a bad job of compressing your file for display. When I look at the larger version I can see that is it definately sharp.


    This is a problem with the web and the way pictures are shown on the screen and not your photographic technique :)


    The way I avoid this is to resize my photos before uploading them. I ran your photo through my workflow I use for posting (breeze browser) to see if it was better. You decide.




    Agreed, you totally nailed this one.


    With modern IS lenses and not a little persistance, most people can take a really sharp shot of a cute little bird; however, what I find makes this one, is how well the complementary browns in the background work. Thats why it gets a 7 from me.


    I looked at your other work here, and this is my favourite of all your excellent "single bird on a twig" shots.

    piccolo maratoneta

    Nice but I have a suggestion. (Hopefully this is a crop). If you can get the original, flip it about the vertical axis so the movement is right to left (same way people read). Crop again but loose the rear most runner and stray leg and increase the 'space' that they are running into.



    There are lots of ways to improve images like this: better light, getting the plane of focus over the actual subject, tighter framing (maybe), fewer distractions in the background (stalks, blobs of color etc).


    These are just some ideas. This genre is done to death so dont get worried about low or average scores

    Mirage Dinner

    You seem to have had fun with the lighting, but too much of this is dark and that brick pillar is a distraction. There is no flow to this. I dont get it - maybe you should disregard this comment. I guess I dont know what you were trying to do :)
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