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Image Comments posted by surajit


    I like the lighting.. but am not sure if the angle of capture is the best. I would have liked the camera a bit higher and to the right. Is there something specific you were trying to portray?



    I have been trying for the nice "angelic" portrait of my 8 week old son.

    How do you think this looks. Taken with a Nikkor 50mm 1.8 prime - a

    great lens for protraits on a D90. Comments and rating welcome.


  1. After an hour of trying, I got this very nice shot, with the correct posture,

    background and lighting. I think this is one of my best bird photos - the

    sparrows were indeed very cooperative during the whole hour. Taken on

    an overcast day with handheld 70-300 Sigma. Let me know what you

    think - comments and ratings welcome. Thanks.

    TAke off !!


    Am new to bird photography. Loved the take off style of this bird as it

    gathered speed and flew away. How do you like this? Comments and

    ratings welcome. THanks.

  2. I am not sure I know the name of this bird - found it in a swamp in

    Chennai (city in India). Bright colors and nicer looking than I thought at

    first. Thought the posture was nice - can you detect a hint of pride in

    that step :).. comments and ratings welcome. Thanks.



    THanks for your comment - I realise the slightly out of focus tip of nose, but is that due to lack of IS or very shallow DOF? Also, wouldn't ISO 1600 introduce significant grain? I'll try it out though - in daylight, grain might not be that big an issue. Thanks for your suggestions anyway.




    This guy was perched on a neighbourhood wall - I noticed while driving,

    stopped and pulled out my camera with a newly acquired telephoto. Taken

    from the driver's seat. How do you like it? This is one of my first in "wild" life

    capture with the new telephoto. Comments, Ratings and any tips welcome.


    Majestic flight


    One of the better shots that I got of these flying beauties from my 7th

    floor balcony !! Used my recently acquired Sigma 70-300 DG. Not bad?

    what do you guys think? Comments and ratings welcome.




    Divine strokes !!


    Clouds and skies are favorite objects of photography. I found the cloud

    formation in this one particularly interesting. Comments and ratings

    welcome. Thanks.

  3. Jerry - first of all thanks for taking time out for your comment. It's an honor to hear from a person of your expertise and experience. Regarding this photo - I got the idea from certain other photos I took with the subject in sharp focus and a blurred (using DOF) background. I liked the "painting like" feel  of the background - which is what I wanted to recreate here in the whole photo. The idea is to focus the eye on the color and forms, rather than the accurate details of the object. I am not sure I can convey my thoughts accurately - but have tried to put it in words. I plan to experiment with out of focus a bit more to see if I can convey my thoughts better.




  4. Tried experimenting with out of focus images. A couple of girls were

    sitting at this breakfast cafe - the light and colors outside created a nice

    background. What do you think? Comments and ratings welcome.


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