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Image Comments posted by lamar_nix

  1. This is a fantastic image! If the adult egret taking flight were not enough, the two, pre-fledged chicks looking on is priceless. DOF seems perfect as everything seems sharp. Well done! Best regards, Lamar.


    Long, flowing branches of this tree make a handsome silhouette in this maritime image. Sky color and sun's image at the horizon are excellent. It might be improved by rotating horizon to level and reducing slightly the dark area at the bottom. Best wishes, Lamar.
  2. Kevin, thanks. What I expected you to look at were the hills illuminated by the shaft of light running right to left more or less in the center. Perhaps a little of the light's emphasis has been lost in the upload, and I regret that. As to the use of a bare foreground, a broad expanse of land, and light to create the points of emphasis, that has been a popular style of landscapists through the years, Camille Corot's landscapes among them. Regards,L.


    A charming old barn and yard. I think you need to get a tighter shot to bring out its subtlties and avoid the tree frames on one or both sides. Regards, L.


    Beautifully captured sky and beach. Might be useful to increase prominence of the lifering or other foreground element to balance the vast feel. Regards,L.

    Lymm Hall

    Indeed a storybook manse captured but is deep in shadows and needs a little more light to really show off its intricacies. Nice capture! Regards, L.
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