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Image Comments posted by tomcoleman


    The color, the graffitti, the old style meter- all speak quietly of some of some other culture than my own. I was compelled to look close and wonder about it. I like it.
  1. I like the use of the filter for that old look. Given the subject, I was thinking, "its as if I travelled back to when it ORIGINALLY was new."

    Gave me pause, which is good.


    Otherwise, the picture is pretty standard, seems to me.





    Poor, loving and lovable Leah was the runt of the litter, I imagine.

    She is only about 7 or 8 lbs full grown, and is always getting mugged

    by her cat housemate, Chandler, who weighs about 12 lbs (both

    are "fixed")

    But in front of the camera she shines.

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